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As a smart internet marketer you have some idea of what it takes to make a great product... It's not enough to just put together the content, you need to do an excellent job with your sales video and sales letter so it sells continuously!
If you've ever attempted to create your own product, you'll come to appreciate the amount of time, effort and resources that goes into a single project. Selling one product is a good start but if you want to expand your business, you need to sell MULTIPLE products.
Here's why...
There are two types of customers in your business which you need to be aware of... 1) First time customers and 2) Repeat customers.
Out of the two types of customers, repeat customers are the best. They've done business with you, they've experienced a transaction with you and they know what they're getting involved with...
First time customers on the other hand... may be more resistant to your offer, they may need more persuading before they buy and they need more reassurance after a purchase.
However this in itself brings about another issue...
In order to sell to existing customers you need more products to sell... and this usually incurs other costs.
Creating new products to keep with the demands of your existing customers can be very time consuming... yet it's one of the most profitable things you can do.
We've solved this problem and have put together a powerful turn-key solution for you...
Right now you can get your hands on 10 new video products, sell them as your own as many times as you want, and keep 100% of the profits.
Take a look below at the quality of the products for yourself...
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One of the fastest ways of making consistent viable income is to create your own product and sell it. The problem is that not everyone has the time or the expertise to do so.
If you don’t have your own product, branded with your own name or company brand, then potential customers will find it hard to distinguish you from other resellers and will have no reason to stay loyal to you.
“You're not just leaving a sale on the table... you're leaving $1000s in profit because you didn't position yourself.”
However let's get real for a second... creating a video course is very time consuming unless you know the material well and how to teach it. Fortunately, there are premade video products out there with Private Label Rights, a right that allows you to edit, rebrand and reposition it how you want.
But here’s the downside - 99% of people who buy these types of products with these rights and simply slap on their payment button on the product, hope to make a sale and get involved in price wars if they don't... And looking like everyone else is the fastest way to fail and kill your profit!
But if you're one of the smart 1% you'll know that you have to do something different... “So what exactly do you need to do?...” The answer is simple. You need to REBRAND your PLR videos!
Unlimited sales licensing rights with full setup service, funnel integration, and lifetime backend commissions worth $197!
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According to the, "A Study Found That Hackers Cost U.S. Economy Up To 500,000 Jobs Each Year." According to, "Report shows Cyber Crime Costs Global Economy Up to $500B a Year."
It's a fact that many online businesses are hosting their digital goods in an unsecured members’ area.
That means even the downloadable links within your secured members’ area could be currently shared with hundreds, or even thousands, of people each and every month...
...And whilst this is going on, not only are you losing out on sales... you are paying for the extra bandwidth for each and every one of those pirated downloads. So, you could be losing money rapidly, depending on where you host your files.
So, the question remains is how do you monitor or know if people are pirating and sharing your digital goods?
Unlimited sales licensing rights with full setup service, funnel integration, and lifetime backend commissions worth $197!
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Does any of the following sound familiar?... I have a product, but I'm not making sales... I have a product, but my traffic methods aren't working... I have an idea, but I want to be part of a team that can make it successful...
I'm sure you have heard about people using Joint Ventures or super affiliates to scale their product profits.
The big misconception is that Joint Ventures are only for the big guys, but that's not true at all... There's a vast world out there of successful Joint Venture partners big and small, though you must do it right.
“JV Partners and Affiliates Only Want ONE Thing... a Product to Promote to Their Hungry List.”
Of course, if you do it wrong like most people out there, then you’ll not only lose your chance - you will forever be remembered in their minds in a negative light (and they may tell their friends and totally ignore you).
In this video course, you will learn what you need to get started, how to find joint venture partners, approach them, and become a JV magnet. Remember, while everyone is too busy spamming them, you’re doing it professionally. You’re doing it smart.
Unlimited sales licensing rights with full setup service, funnel integration, and lifetime backend commissions worth $197!
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While traditional continuity programs continue to grow, they often lack the one thing that will increase your retention—a community.
Put yourself in your customers' shoes for just one second...
When you first join a traditional monthly or recurring membership site, you're excited. Maybe you even go out and tell people how good it is, causing them to also join...
But as time starts to pass, that excitement dies down because either you don't feel invested or you're just plain stuck...
What you’ve just experienced in this “hypothetical” situation is what the majority of folks experience whenever they buy products. Those feelings of dissatisfaction result in angry customers, high support costs for you, and refunds.
This is one of the main reasons why continuity programs have short retention rates, typically averaging only 3 months max.
So what's the solution?... How can you prevent these negative feelings in your customers?... How can you offer both a community and your great product?... The Answer is to Use Facebook as a Platform to Create a Community of Happy Customers.
Unlimited sales licensing rights with full setup service, funnel integration, and lifetime backend commissions worth $197!
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Have you ever wondered whether there’s a way to know how well your site is performing?... What metrics could help give you an overall view of it all?
While this is not the only determining factor, bounce rates are an important thing to look into and often overlooked.
According to Google, "Bounce Rate is the percentage of single-page visits (i.e. visits in which the person left your site from the entrance page without interacting with the page)."
Of course while there's no definitive answer from Google on whether or not they use this as a factor for ranking, the fact is that they expand in detail on how to improve it and even include a video lecture on it... This gives us our answer as to how important this is to them.
“...Finally Discover How Keep Your Bounce Rates Low to Increase Your Search Engine Rankings, Engage Your Audience and Increase Your Conversion Rates!”
Unlimited sales licensing rights with full setup service, funnel integration, and lifetime backend commissions worth $197!
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Have you ever heard the phrase “time is money”? It’s true - time is a valuable commodity that, once used, can never be replaced.
Many people end up kicking themselves because they lose valuable time by not planning their day correctly. Does this sound like you?...
Maybe you keep telling yourself that today’s the day you’re going to finally take care of that to-do list, only to find yourself procrastinating and being unable to complete everything.
“there's just not enough time in the day....”
While being told to “live like there's no tomorrow” is great advice... it doesn't really give you any specific advice on how to do that.
Are you tired of all these 'good feeling' phrases, and would like a practical step-by-step guide that you can apply to your personal and business life... starting today?
Your time is definitely limited. There's no changing that. But what you do have control over is what you do in the time you have.
Now I know you've heard this before time and time again, but rather than talking about things in theory or hypotheticals, I’m about to give you REAL, PRACTICAL SOLUTIONS.
Unlimited sales licensing rights with full setup service, funnel integration, and lifetime backend commissions worth $197!
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Gone are the days where you could just put a product or service up and sell it... Nowadays, you have to provide as much valuable content as possible to differentiate yourself from your competitors - who are likely not even doing this. What this means is that if you do this, you will have a huge head start.
Now, branding yourself as the expert and as someone who is willing to give great content is absolutely crucial to gaining trust and converting sales. Fortunately for you, this can easily be done through videos, podcasts, and more. Today though, we’ll focus on podcasts.
Let’s take a quick look at some statistics here... According to a research report done by Edison Research... "Just in the American market alone, the percentage of Americans who have ever watched or listened to a podcast is 45%, up from 43% one year ago. This is approximately 70 million Americans.”
Another interesting statistic... “Over 80% of podcast consumers, who responded to a survey, agreed that “when price and quality is equal,” they don’t mind purchasing products on the podcasts they regularly enjoy."
Even more interesting to take note... “90% of these respondents from the statistics above indicated that they had taken some kind of action as a result of podcast advertising or sponsorship, and over 40% reported purchasing behaviors, which indicates that they are receptive to the right message, in the right context.”
You see how powerful podcasts can be if done correctly and how much traffic you could be missing out on by not having your own podcast? So, if you’re not creating podcasts in your business you could be missing out on this instant branding, and it’s really not hard to do once you surpass some of the technical requirements.
Unlimited sales licensing rights with full setup service, funnel integration, and lifetime backend commissions worth $197!
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It's no secret that Instagram has grown to be an incredibly powerful social media platform. In fact, even Facebook saw the opportunity and bought the company out. This means more opportunity for you as an advertiser and brand.
If you have an Instagram profile and would like to learn how to properly grow it... There's a way to do things and there's a way not to do them.
“...Have you Tried Building a Following with Instagram Before and Failed? Here’s Why...” Many people fail to create a successful following simply because they focus on trying to get the biggest following.
“I have a list of 100k followers!...” You often hear this, but many people have little or no conversions when it comes to promoting any product or service. What's the point of a massive following when they don't follow you to the end?
How would you like to learn how to do it right?... How would you like to learn how to invest your time and money the right way?... Instead of realizing months later that it's all wrong and you've wasted precious time you can't get back! How do you build a social following that creates an opportunity for you for the long haul?
This video course is specifically designed to guide you in the right direction so you can build a massive Instagram fan base, create a loyal following who hang on to your every message, pre-sell your offer and attract new customers and clients.
Unlimited sales licensing rights with full setup service, funnel integration, and lifetime backend commissions worth $197!
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One of the biggest problems any online business owner will face is making the first sale with a new prospective customer. Statistics show that, in general, only 2% of prospects convert.... The other 98% leave and may never come back to your site. This means that any money you’ve invested to get people to visit has been lost. That can quickly add up to a lot of wasted money!
If we take a closer look at those statistics, the big question becomes: “...So Why do Online Shoppers Leave without Paying or Taking Some Sort of Action?”
Although there may be hundreds of reasons why a potential customer may not make a purchase, these five are some of the most common... Reason #1 - They were presented with unexpected costs... Reason #2 - They thought the price was too expensive... Reason #3 - They found a better price elsewhere... Reason #4 - They decided against buying... Reason #5 - They were just browsing
With such a high percentage of people leaving your site, each with their own reasoning, is there any way to get them back without reinvesting more money into new clients?... The answer is YES!
Unlimited sales licensing rights with full setup service, funnel integration, and lifetime backend commissions worth $197!
Click here to view the full version of your website
Have you ever tried to drive traffic via Google only to find yourself jumping around from the top 10 to the top 50? I know - it's frustrating, until you really get the basics.
There is a reason behind this... but do you simply want to know how to rank your website correctly and consistently at the top of the search engines?
“There is a huge amount of quality FREE traffic available when you're in the top 10 position...” But work alone isn't going to get you anywhere. The reality of it all is that your website’s ranking can be changed due to a search engine update and all the other means of changing the search engine algorithms.
The truth is that you never know when it will happen, and this creates a feeling of uncertainty. However building your business on top of uncertainty is never a good feeling... And this very reason is why a lot of people are afraid.
“While many variables change, come and go, some things actually stay more consistent.” So, because this topic is very extensive and often extremely expensive to learn, in this video course our goal is to help give you the fundamental and basics that don't change often.
What are the things you need to do and keep doing over and over again?... What will work for years to come?...
Unlimited sales licensing rights with full setup service, funnel integration, and lifetime backend commissions worth $197!
People don't just buy products, they buy products from people they know, like and trust. That's why it's so important to show that there is a real person behind the page. We'll include your picture next to Aaron's profile to give you an instant credibility boost. This instills confidence in your customers knowing that they're dealing with experts.
On top of that, all products now gather real testimonials from the Super Sales Machine database and then displays them at the bottom of your sales pages in a randomized order. Not only does this keep your sites looking fresh, but acts as social proof to increase your sales! It's one thing to put a good offer together and to convince people why they need it, but having several positive opinions encourages a first-time buyer to take the plunge and click your payment button! The best part is as we add more testimonials to our database, your sites will update automatically without you lifting a finger.
Next we'll install a video training store on your server to showcase all your products. Presentation is everything and we've put all the checks in place to make you look like a leader in the field. We've made it so simple that you can send visitors to your store so they can decide what to buy and when to buy it. No need to promote every single product one by one.
Now you can promote all your products through your online store! Yes you can still send traffic directly to one sales page and make sales, however you may encounter what we like to call 'hyper buyers' who just love buying from you and want everything there and then. Simply send hot prospects and customers to your store and you'll easily pick up payments that you didn't think were even possible!
Every product is now connected to the Super Sales Machine secured members area. This means in order to access their products your customers have to register a Super Sales Machine account through YOUR reseller link. Not only does that tag your customers with your affiliate IDs but also redirects them to our sales funnel. This mean you could earn even more commissions after you've made your sales! This alone gives you a tremendous boost in profit and is easily worth the cost of this setup alone! The best part... it's all effortless and done behind the scenes. Just sell your products like you normally would and you make more money.
With lifetime cookie tracking, even if your referred subscriber doesn't buy anything right away... but ends up purchasing a $97 product plus several upsells... even one year from now... you'll still get credited for the sale! Again there's nothing extra to do on your part. Simply continue promoting your range of products and everything else will be taken care of for you!
Next we'll upgrade your admin system so you can easily access all your products from one centralized location. All your products are easily accessible through your admin menu system and is now fully mobile optimized.
Ever bought a product in the past and completely forgot about it and had no idea how to get it back? With your very own admin system you'll have all your products located under one roof! You'll know exactly what's installed, where they're installed, what the download links are, what emails to send out, and in what order plus so much more! Everything is laid out perfectly ready for you to start making cash right away!
Here's a breakdown of what we'll do for you...
Step 1 - We'll Personalize Your Sites - We personalize the system to match your details. this includes your name on the sales page of every product as well as your support email address on the footer of every page including the download pages of your products and an up-to-date disclaimer on the footer of every page matching your domain name.
Step 2 - We'll Install Our Smart Scripts - We add our own profit-pulling javascript, CSS, and PHP code that we use ourselves to your system! This includes unblockable exit pop-ups that redirect to affiliate offers, disabling right-clicking, disabling mouse click and drag, protect files, dynamically loading pages, secure download links and more!
Step 3 - We'll Add Your Affiliate Links - We embed your affiliate IDs into your thank-you pages for cross-sells. Thank you pages are prime locations for cross-selling which is where many beginners leave money on the table. With our help we'll strategically place compelling offers that get your visitors and customers clicking and buying!
Step 4 - We'll Create Your PayPal Buttons - PayPal buttons are a chore and tedious to create but with our help we can set that up for you. We take your PayPal email address and create payment buttons for each product you'll be selling. More payment buttons and more offers means more steams of income for you!
Step 5 - We'll Prepare Your Emails for You - We embed and personalize our sales-crunching emails into your admin system with your name and sales page link all integrated. All you have to do is click the copy button and load it straight into your auto-responder for instant sales! No writing or editing required!
Step 6 - We'll Upload Files to Your Server - All sites are carefully uploaded to your server whilst gigabtyes of products are hosted on our fast and reliable Amazon S3 servers. No matter how much traffic you send to the system, it'll still be able to sustain the pressure and run smoothly!
Step 7 - We'll Update Your Admin Area - Your system is now setup and ready to roll! All you need now is to send traffic to the starting point. To help you with this, you'll be provided online access to training videos so you'll know exactly what to do from here onwards.
Step 8 - We'll Test Drive and Check the System Works - No one likes to be sent to broken links, nor do they like to click on 'buy now' buttons that don't work or get taken to a 404 error page which is why we manually check every aspect of the system to ensure everything works.
Step 9 - We'll Notify You Immediately When Done - After we're happy with everything, we send you an email with all the information you need. This includes all sales pages, access links, login information and more. You're now ready to rock and roll!
The Super Sales Machine is designed to take you as a green newbie or experienced marketer and add a new stream of income to your business instantly. We put countless hours into creating a robust sales system that you can not only profit from, but build a real business upon.
As a licensed owner of the Super Sales Machine Empire we're backing your investment today with a very bold guarantee. If you don't make 1 sale of any product within the Super Sales Machine Empire within the next 30 days after sending 50 real subscribers through any one of your products then we'll refund you in full, and we'll even allow you to keep the entire system!
We're willing to invest up to 7 days setting up this genius system on your server and STILL give you the opportunity to 'test drive' it just to prove to yourself that you can indeed profit from our products. This way all the risk is placed on us and lose nothing. In fact you're more likely to gain sales as a result!
So the real question is are you ready to build your list and start making sales? Can you build a list of just 50 subscribers and make 1 sale within the next 30 days?... We think so! You have absolutely nothing to lose and so much more to gain and honestly if you're committed to this program you'll be too busy making sales and checking your commissions and will be wondering where this has been all your life!
Secure your system now in complete confidence and we'll get to work on your Super Sales Machine Empire project right away!
REASON 1 - Your time is precious. You've only got about 8-10 working hours in the day and it's unlikely that you can maintain a 'create a new product every week' pace especially if you've got other committments like a family to look after.
REASON 2 - You'll get tired of creating your own products. Yes it's good idea to create your own, but it requires hard work and many misfired attempts before you find the winning formula.
REASON 3 - You'll spend more than you earn. When you outsource work there's no guarantee that you'll ever make your money back. You need to invest in something that minimizes your risk.
REASON 4 - You need multiple products to increase your cash flow. Making your first is exciting but selling multiple products and receiving up to $480 in commission payments (even just 1 a week) again and again can change your lifestyle. As a proud owner of the Super Sales Machine Empire you get the best of both worlds to maximize your income.
REASON 5 - You need to leverage existing working systems to kick-start any other business. Good cash flow gives you the opportunity to experiment and try new things and outsource other tasks with financial confidence that would otherwise be impossible to start.
REASON 6 - You need to team up with experts cost-effectively. Not every guru is willing to lend you a helping hand... and if they do expect to pay $100-200 an hour or more just to guide you and tell you what to do. Instead you're getting the highest grade system done and dusted.
REASON 7 - You need to use shortcuts. Putting together a real sales funnel that allow customers to spent $100s, even $1000s with you requires experience... something that you simply can't buy. However you can get close when you partner up with experts.
Here's a quick recap of everything you're getting when you order today...
10 Professional products with licensing rights and setup service ($1970 value)
User-friendly admin system to locate and launch your products ($497 value)
Professional store front to promote all your products simultaneously ($297 value)
Backend commission integration on 10 products ($997+ value)
Future product launch commission integration on 10 products ($997+ value)
Personal access to all your products for learning ($100+ value)
Internet Security Notice: After clicking the payment button you will be asked to log into your Super Sales Machine member account. Once logged in you will then be redirected to the Zaxaa order form which uses the latest industry-Leading Encryption Technology (SSL). After payment you will have the option to customize your order. We advise you to NOT close close this window during checkout. You will be redirected immediately to the access page after purchase. Your products are added to your member account immediately and can be accessed at any time, any where. All purchases are fully backed by a 100% satisfaction guarantee and you may contact our friendly support staff at any time for support and assistance.
I'm a newbie just discovering the world of Internet Marketing, however, I do not have any idea about this. In the last few months, I was overwhelmed with a lot of information. I was lost, where and how to start. Then, I get in touch with Super Sale Machine, and decided to invest in theVideos and Ebooks, It was amazing in 72 hours exactly I had my website running, very well customized and organized ready to go and collect cash into my PayPal built in buy button. And when I saw this quick an amazing service I decide and I give them a fully trusted team to build my membership sites.
I'm very excited about this project to get the ball rolling and live the lifestyle I was always looking for.
Thank you Aaron keep it up brother, you are the best. - Sahbi Cherigui
I've been hooked from the very first email I got from Aaron. Every product is top notch and the training he offers with each is the best I've ever seen.
I purchased your Super Sales Machine with fast setup by Aaron's team, and was blown away at all the great products that I now have on my own site. I'm now able to make sales easier with my own products ready to go. Send traffic to my page and get paid 100% commissions.
Before that I was going nuts trying to create a product to sell. Now all I have to do is worry about how creative I want to be in getting traffic to my pages. But that's easy now. I just added the site and can't wait to start promoting my new membership site. I would recommend this to any newbie looking to make their first sale. You won't be disappointed. Thanks Aaron. - William Vega
They do the hard work and we sit back and promote.
The Super Sales Machine Team really do the hard work for us. They deliver more than I expected. I’m really impressed with their expertise, patient, care and concern what they have proven to us.
They really deliver a “Done-For-You” products, but for me not one, a few DIY products from them. No other business that had done everything for you. All fits for “Newbies” and experienced marketers.
They have put in their painless effort, quick and easy solution to have our own products up and running without the process of creating one in the first place. I’ll continue to purchase products from Super Sales Machine and business relationship.
Thank you!
- Dickie Lim
I've been studying internet marketing for many years now with almost zero success. I've spent so much time and effort focusing on learning how to build gorgeous looking websites that Ive forgetting about learning how to convert the traffic I was getting or how to effectively use social media to create results driven marketing. You never know enough in the internet game. It doesn't matter how many courses you do the industry changes every 6 months with new technologies being created all the time. A program like this fixed all of the above problems where not only does it teach me about the skills I lack it also upskills me on the skills I need to know more about. My clients expect me to be the authority in fields such as Wordpress, cpanel, social media, seo, affiliate marketing, adwords, list building etc With a program like the Super Sales Machine it puts me in an elite category. Not many web designers out there have such a broad knowledge base and can add this much value to their clients. My passion is for creating stunning and visual appealing websites that communicates the clients personality and showcases their business all on one website. With this much focus building gorgeous websites my knowledge on website conversion has fallen behind and there's no point in having a website that doesnt convert. The Super Sales Machine is exactly what I need and exactly what Im looking for to fill in the gaps and complete my set of internet marketing skills. - Fakhri Sakir
If, like me, you're a bit of a dummy when it comes to all the "behind the screen" stuff then the Super Sales Machine is EXACTLY what you have been looking for! I'm sure you have been offered "done for you" business opportunities that after a while you realize that this done for you business opportunity turns out to be "done for the guy that owns the site" and not YOU! And if you are like me, you've tried a few of these sites and they have been for the owners! In case you're wondering Super Sales Machine support and owners HELP YOU! Their entire organization is geared to help you in the quickest most effective manner I have ever seen! - Steve Lanier
Hi Aaron: The site you built for me is just GREAT! To say that I am pleased is just an understatement of what I truly feel. Everything is bright and colorful,laid out well so we can find everything easily, just perfect. I am sure I will be using this site for many years to come and be financially rewarded as well. My many hanks to you and your team n a job well done!! - Douglas Ford
Really happy, this looked hot from the beginning and Aaron and his team have never failed to deliver, I have purchased all of the Super Sales Funnel packages and now I own the most amazing online business, fully set up and running, the funnels work perfectly, emails are delivering subscribers and my first ever paying customer. I tried for years and spent 10 times he purchase price trying to get close to what I now have. Save yourself years of struggling and wasting your money on possibilities that don't deliver, be set up in your own Top Level Internet Business by tomorrow! Thank You Super Sales Machine Team for delivering the No. 1 internet marketing system online today by far!! - Robert Skilbeck
Hello and Thank you for giving me such a wonderful site. I appreciate a lot of your good and professional work. I am not new to IM I have been around for almost a year but was unable to create a website like this and get it live. I have all kinds of scripts, OTO templates, niche website templates and every thing we can think of. They were all very complicated to install, and my situation was like pulling my hairs. I spent almost $500 but got no luck, until i found this Super Sales Machine system. it was like any other offer to me in Internet but after much thought I decided to give it try, and i was right on target. I never regretted my decision. I would highly recommend this system to all be them new or experience to get this system installed you just need to promote your site and earn money. This system will save you lot of BLUE's and hard work as well. Thanks again to the Super Sales Machine! - Tanveer Syed
Aaron's products are always top notch and full of informational value. I have bought a few and I was never disappointed. This product is one that resonates greatly with me. The topics covered connect all the missing dots and provide information that many courses out there tend to ignore completely. Aaron is an incredible teacher, there is no fluff in his courses and nothing is held back. A rare quality these days! I have learnt so much from Aaron's immense knowledge. Highly recommended! Olu Taiwo Sales Machine (Newbie) The service provided by Aaron and his support team in setting up this system for me, was absolutely amazing and second to none! The support team was very efficient they delivered everything set up and ready to go, well ahead of the timeline. Post set up support was fantastic, The price paid for this system, is an absolute no-brainer! I have seen basic systems like this sell for $297+ elsewhere and nothing near this quality of service. Highly recommended! - Olu Taiwo
I am a newbie and have been looking everywhere for help on understanding this crazy internet world. I have PLR up to my eyeballs and lost. That was until I found this library. I have looked all over web for help for newbies. Nothing I found yet is as close to the Super Sales Machine. If you can't find it here, Its not worth doing! - Adam D.
I was scepticle at first as there was so much to take in, I have been networking/marketing for about 2 years now and tried and tested so many shiny objects failing miserably at most! but never came across one like this! I have not seen an offer of so much help and set up too! (unheard of!) , anywhere on the internet infact anywhere!!! The value you bring is incredible. I love it, there is so much i cant wait to make it work for me and actually make some money and learn so much more along the way with the chance to actually help others too!. It all looks so much fun and I am sure im going to be so so happy once its all up and running. Thankyou for giving me a new life in 2025! - Amanda Verboot
Hi, My name is Bob Caine. I am retired and live in Alabama, USA. I have been playing with online marketing for years but it was literally that playing. Basically, I showed splash pages on traffic exchanges and every once in a while made a few bucks. When I ran across Newbie Lessons, I was impressed by the number and variety of videos that it contained. This is like having an encyclopedia of internet marketing on my computer. I was impressed and needed that. As I was buying Newbie Lessons, I realized if I need this so do lots of other people. I want to offer this product to others so I purchased the Super Sales Machine and got serious about my online marketing. I opted to have Super Sales Machine installed for me so I knew it was done right. The system was installed in a just few days. I tested the system by buying it for myself, everything worked fine, and I was ready to go. I started promoting the system 2 days ago with an email campaign and got a sale my first today. Wow was I excited. I made more with that sale than I have in years. I am a firm believer that the first sale is the toughest. So, the hard part is over. No sales on the second day but 3 new names on my list. I am now going to start evaluting which emails and subject lines work best. I am looking forward to promoting Newbie Sales Machine and using it as the foundation for my online business. I would highly recommend the Super Sales Machine to anyone who wants to build an online business. It's is worth every penny I paid for it and more. I can't imagine how many hours it takes to develop a product like this but I certainly couldn't do it. If you are looking for product to start your online business, Super Sales Machine is it. - Bob Caine
Hi Aaron Thank you very much for the opportunity to purchase your product - The Super Sales Machine. This information contained within this package looks professional and enticing for anyone, looking to sell information products within the internet Marketing niche. I bought this package due to the graphics, color, the sales letters, the squeeze pages, free gift offers, upsells, exit popups, ebooks and especially the video training of all the products. But most of all, the whole system is completely set up for you. So thanks Aaron. I'm certainly putting this sales machine to good use by putting the offers in front of my subscribers. - Richard Taputoro
I've been hanging around with Aaron since back in 2009! That should tell you something, right there. The fact that he could keep my interest and loyalty for that long is a feat within and of itself.
When I saw this package.. well, I just couldn't resist. I am pretty advanced and have my own products on the market, (and selling), already and this package will compliment my offerings quite nicely. I have pretty big plans for this package.
The ONLY reason I even think about adding Aaron's stuff to my offerings is because I've never known him to produce anything other than "quality" product. I can comfortably place my name beside his and not feel like I need to recreate the wheel. I can relax a LOT more when I incorporate his stuff.
So, if you're on the fence.. get off of it.. get into it... drop the fear and get with it! Half your battle is already won when you use Aaron's products.
Peace, Love & Prosperity! -
To tell you the truth, I have been trying to build a digital products business online for quite a while and in the process have come across a lot of products.
I encountered your product while trying to follow your YouTube videos to install plr products that I recently purchased.
Because the process seemed too complicated, I decided to visit your website to see what kind of PLR products you have to offer and that is how I came across this done for you system.
I feel your system is a complete product if all the upgrades are taken. I am not disappointed by your product selection, but I think a free give away squeeze page will be needed to complement the system which is why I have purchased the first list building sales funnel on the list.
So far everything is looking good and if traffic driven to the squeeze page when it is completed nets me a very good ROI, then I hope to upgrade to the other two list building sales funnels.
- Adewale Atewogbade
Supers Sales Machine team is really super. My 5 products site is up and running in less than 48 hours. Online marketing can really be done simply if you use right automation. Most people think you need to write your own book to sell. You can sell other people's books if you get master resale rights. You can acquire the master resale rights at very low cost. Once you own the rights and start selling it you earn 100% of sales made direct to paypal. From paypal you can sweep it easily to your bank for use. One good thing about starting online marketing part time for some one employed is to transition into an employer easily over a short time. Best part of online marketing is not the money it provides but the time it can save while earning it, which can use for what ever your passion is. Thank you once again Super Sales Machine team for launching my first set of income stream! - Durgalakshmi G.
Hi Aaron, I just wanted to express how I am very happy with the service you have provided at the Super Sales Machine, everything seems professionally done. I did not expect such a comprehensive system that covers such a wide range of topics, that are easy to understand and follow.
Anyone can learn something from them, I've picked up some tips on the tech side of things which is definitely not my strong suit and these new skills can be implement so quickly, especially for newbies as much as I hate that word I think we all need to come up with a better word for the beginners in internet marketing business. I can't wait to use the content to grow my list some more as I am most certain that it will do.
But anyhow I am extremely happy with the content and have been with everything I have brought from you so far. I am also grateful for the auto-responder emails that will make my job even easier so, I hope, I do not miss any offers of any of your products that you will give in the future. Also I am grateful for all the graphics that come with the system again to make life easier and we are all for that.
All the training's in the system are top notch and will help anyone who will watch them to get ahead in the business. Your sales funnel is awesome. Thank you very much for your service. I really appreciate it. - Sue Gillespie
I was looking for things to promote in my autoresponder to make some extra cash and I stumbled upon this. As a previous buyer of PLR products I was a little skeptical about what it was going to be like but I jumped in anyway. Boy was I surprised.
It comes with its own admin area where I can just login and grab a pre written email and paste it in and send to my lists. I did this with one product and that day made enough in sales to buy an extra lot of products the upsells.
These within days have enabled me to now purchase another 72 products and bare in mind I have only promoted 2 products now. When I have these installed in my autoresponder I can't imagine how many sales I will get each week.
Forget buying separate PLR things and having to install them yourself, this is one stop just grab links or emails and go, all set up, all done ready to promote. Well worth the money many times over. - Steve Ayling
Although I have been online for over 16 years, I have never ever seen anything similar to what Aaron Danker offers. I started getting my hands product after another consuming as much as I can digest. Am totally addicted to Aaron's products that speak directly to my mind and interest.
Most of the products are a complete business in a box. You can use it personally for more education or you can give as an incentive to your list or better still you can sell those products to make some money online. Am totally impressed by his products and do encourage an person who wants to make some bucks online to try these products, after all they are priced very affordably.
Many of the training videos provide you with step-by-step instructions on how to's products in great detail and not line other cookie cutter videos found online. Every week Aaron releases new and top of the line products that speaks to the mind of the internet marketer. Congratulations Aaron and keep up the good work. - Magdi Mikhail
I want to thank you guys for doing such a wonderful job installing and setting up my system, I was very impressed It met all my expectations and beyond. Im a newbie to Internet marketing and when I first saw the offer I was a little shocked, an offer like this only happens once in a great while and I said to myself "If I cant make money with this I need to get out of the game". I bought the system right away, because I knew I could not have created It myself. It was installed in 72 hrs or less just as you said, and was worth way more then the price I payed. The admin and navigation system Is very easy to use. The training that you provide Is sufficient enough to get you started. And customer service was great. I never bought a system like this before. And I recommend this system to every one thats been trying to make money online. Thank You. - Mary Cooper
Aaron Danker is an established internet marketer with over 18 years of online experience. He provides innovative high level turn-key solutions and website installation services for marketers. The Super Sales Machine is the result of years of knowledge and experience all condensed into one powerful marketing system that any beginner and expert can profit from. Aaron will be handling all the backend sales and future product launches on your behalf to ensure you continue to profit!
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