***Grab Over 250,000 Words with 100% Private Label Rights to Re-Use How You Want!***

Get Instant Access to Over 250,000+ Words of Private Label Content in the 13 Billion Dollar Personal Development Niche ...and Instantly Re-sell Evergreen Products Whilst Building Your Brand Effortlessly!

...without  Having to Spend Months, Even Years Researching, Building Credibility... and Creating Your own Products from Scratch!

What you can do... Sell individually, start a membership site, sell with master resell rights, build a niche sales funnel create content-rich email courses, break down into articles, create your own packages, create home study courses, develop into an audio or video course, cross promote with other products build your name and brand plus much more!

Click Here to Download Your Personal Development PLR

There's no denying it. Content creation is time consuming. And if your not creating some form of new content for your business then you're behind. Every day is a struggle to get that little bit ahead and I'm sure you're familiar with these problems...

"I hate product research because it is really time consuming!"...
"I can't write. even if I could, I find it tedious"...
"It will take me months to create my own product let alone plan!"...
"No money to outsource ghostwriters - they are expensive!"...
"Even if I had the money, ghostwriters can't be trusted!"...
"I can't do graphics design to save my life"...
"I'm so exhausted at the end of the day, I can't do anything else!"...

If you're new to the idea of private label rights, let me give you a quick few reasons why PLR is the ideal shortcut... so much so that it's almost like cheating!

...Firstly, you'll never have to write a word yourself. The content has been written for you which means you'll never have to outsource the work or spend hours planning, researching, writing from scratch, structuring, proof-reading or any of that laborious stuff.

...Secondly, you'll never have to design a book cover yourself. Not everyone has a flair for art nor the desire to do it. With everything all designed for you, you can simply focus on getting your product online!

...Thirdly, you'll never have to write a sales letter for each and every product you create... because it's already done for you! Have you ever had to write compelling copy for your own product? If so you'll know creative you have to be just to get a few pages out!

Quite simply, PLR means it's done for you. You save time, money and effort and have something ready to work with right away.


Here's REAL World Proof that Personal Development Products Sell... People Spend $15.95 or more for ‘Subliminal CDs’ on eBay to Improve Themselves...”

When you enter a new niche you need to consider whether there is money to be made in the market. Quite simply you have to see if your visitors are going to come to your website, read your sales letter and then click on your 'buy now' button.

Profitable markets will have customers already in there who are willing to spend whenever there's an excuse to do so...

With the Personal Development PLR package you'll be catering to a wide range of people in many professions such as... business owners, internet marketers, network marketers, life coaches, self improvement bloggers, writers, content creators and many more.

There's another distinct advantage...

Whilst all typical marketers are spending so much time trying to hard-sell their products... you'll be one of the few focused in the 'personal development' niche that ultimately leads straight back into the 'make money' and 'business to business' niche.

You're casting your net out much further into a niche that the average marketer doesn't go to... and these are people who are still new to the idea of auto-responders, count-down timers, up-sells and so on. The end result is a quality list, higher attention rates, lower-refunds, and hassle-free sales.


Check Out Your Evergreen Personal Development PLR Package...

Module 1 - 5 PLR Encyclopedias With FULL Private Label Rights And MASTER Rights!

Most PLR merchants will never offer master rights for their best PLR books (or any PLR books for this matter...)

But I'm going to show you my sincerity that I want to help you all the way by offering you these brand new, 100 Pages, 16,000 Words that are brand new and original which have never been sold anywhere else on the net before!

You can put your name on these products, brand them as your own, edit their contents, sell, and keep 100% of the sales!

And best of all, you can RESELL the PLR Rights To Your Customers At The Same Time! (See The PLR License Inside!)

You will receive 5 powerful titles in this series:


"Ultimate Encyclopedia Of Powerful Internet Marketing Mindsets And Methods"

The Quintessential Guide To Understanding Internet Marketing, Mastering It's Psychology And Achieving Success Using The Right Methods

You'll receive the source file, compiled PDF, unflattened Photoshop layers including your own mini-site with fully written sales letter to sell this product! Sell to the end user for $27 or more!


"The Complete Guide To Applying The 7 Habits In Holistic Personal Development"

Mastering Every Aspect Of Your Life In Habits, Relationships, Career, Money, Health And Your Ultimate Calling Using Stephen Covey's Timeless Model

You'll receive the source file, compiled PDF, unflattened Photoshop layers including your own mini-site with fully written sales letter to sell this product! Sell to the end user for $27 or more!

"The Social Bible Of Winning Friends And Influencing People In The 21st Century"

Transformational Lessons Enabling Anyone To Find Fulfilling Relationships And Developing Getting Along With People From All Walks Of The Modern Life

You'll receive the source file, compiled PDF, unflattened Photoshop layers including your own mini-site with fully written sales letter to sell this product! Sell to the end user for $27 or more!

"The Magic Of Thinking Really, Really Big In The Internet Era"

Apply The Timeless Principles Of Success By Thinking Bigger In An Even Faster Era With Information And Knowledge At Your Fingertips

You'll receive the source file, compiled PDF, unflattened Photoshop layers including your own mini-site with fully written sales letter to sell this product! Sell to the end user for $27 or more!

"Rich Marketer, Poor Marketer"

Discover How You Can Use Robert Kiyosaki's Powerful Financial Precepts To Market Yourself Effectively In Any Niche And Build Your Personal Power

You'll receive the source file, compiled PDF, unflattened Photoshop layers including your own mini-site with fully written sales letter to sell this product! Sell to the end user for $27 or more!


Modules 2-11 - 10 Exclusive PLR Courses And Personal Development Training Series With Non-Transferable Private Label Rights

This is a star-studded collection of personal development courses with each course having about 5 books per series!

Personal development enthusiasts LOVE courses - especially courses that cover every aspect of life (holistic personal development).

Learn to live a well balanced and optimal life as these exclusive courses cover most of the hottest topics in the niche such as:

- Financial IQ and Management
- Self discovery
- Positive thinking
- Goal setting & getting results
- Habits & subconsciousness
- Spirituality, zen & enlightenment
- Home business opportunities and mindsets
- Network marketing mindsets and stories
- Health & Wellness
- Relationships & Social domination

Truly a class of it's own, EVERYTHING in personal development is covered from head to toe - anything from long term to short term development has a topic!

Each book in the series is at least 40 pages long and 6,000 words per book all written in such a way to complement and synergize with others in the series and all the series as a whole.

Unlike the PLR & Master Rights products, you cannot transfer the Private Label Rights to your customers therefore making the Private Label Rights exclusivity just for you only!

Here are the 46 books for your viewing pleasure.

Module 2 - The Self Discovery Series

"If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle."

- Sun Tzu, The Art Of War

The self discovery series is the epitome of personal development learning. These 6 books are a complete self discovery gold mine of finding your origin - to know who you truly are and how you can know others.

These books contains powerful transformational lessons on understanding your state of consciousness, balancing yourself spiritually, emotionally, physically and mentally, they way we communicate, how enneagrams help us to discover how we function, how love, truth and power affects us and what kind of energy (polatiry) we use in life whether we are a lightworker or a darkworker.


"Unlocking The Enneagrams Mystery"

Discover How You Can Use Enneagrams To Know Who You Are And Unlock Your True Potential



"Balancing The 4 Quadrants of Life"

Discover How You Can Master The Essentials Of Leading A Balanced Life (Spiritually, Mentally, Emotionally And Physically!)


"Balancing Truth, Love And Power"

Find Your Deficiencies In These 3 Vital Quadrants And Live A Balanced Life


"Conscious Blitz"

Learn The State Of Your Consciousness And Methods On How To Increase It


"Polarities And It's Vital Functions"

Discover If You Are A Light Worker And Dark Worker And How It Affects Your Life


"The 9 Personality Types"

Find Out The Different Personality Types And Learn How To Deal With It

Full mini-site included complete with sales letter, squeeze page, thank you pages and promo email! Just upload and start promoting within minutes!

You'll receive the source file, compiled PDF, unflattened Photoshop layers including your own mini-site with fully written sales letter to sell this entire series of products! Sell to the end user for $47 or more!

Module 3 - The Goal Setting & Getting Results Series

"All successful people have a goal. No one can get anywhere unless he knows where he wants to go and what he wants to be or do."

- Norman Vincent Peale

The day that you discover that you have a dream that you deeply and truly desire is the day you lay out the plans necessary to accomplish it.

Goal setting is a must, but also equally important is the right kind of goals you must set in order to achieve it. This powerful series contains 5 books that will talk about organization, goal planning, accomplishing more with your time, how to get 'high' on rewards and rewarding yourself and how to manage your time properly.


"50 Quick Tips On Getting Organized Easily"

Mission: Organization - A Simple Guide To Keeping An Orderly Life


"Goal Planning Strategies That Truly Work"

How To Reach Any Goal You Wish!


"How To Accomplish More In A Fraction Of The Time"

Getting Results Super Fast Through Prioritizing, Leveraging And Focus


"Results And Rewards Blitzing"

The Sprinter's Guide To Short Term Motivation For Huge Results - High Adrenaline And Rewards Guaranteed!


"Time Management Strategies For The Knowledge Worker"

Understanding The Evolution Of Time Management Strategies And Prioritizing What Works In The 21st Century

Full mini-site included complete with sales letter, squeeze page, thank you pages and promo email! Just upload and start promoting within minutes!

You'll receive the source file, compiled PDF, unflattened Photoshop layers including your own mini-site with fully written sales letter to sell this entire series of products! Sell to the end user for $47 or more!

Module 4 - Financial Freedom Series

"There is a secret psychology of money. Most people don't know about it. That's why most people never become financially successful. A lack of money is not the problem; it is merely a symptom of what's going on inside of you."

- T. Harv Eker

Make no mistake about this - money is not the most important thing in the world... but it is by far the most important thing in areas where money matters the most.

Learning the art of financial success is far to important even if you don't believe money is important. You must pursue it dilligently, even if only to make sure that money never stands in your way as an obstacle to your dreams and goals.

In these books, you will learn everything you need to know about intelligent investing, debt reduction, how to condition your mind to think rich, how to rewire your subconscious mind for success and wise quotes from rich men.


"Think And Grow Rich In The Knowledge Era"

Practical Methods On Earning Big Money In The 21st Century


"Lessons From The Intelligent Investor"

Discover The Right Methods And Develop Powerful Mastery Behind Investing Your Money


"Becoming The Richest Man In Post Modern Babylon"

Collections Of Money Related Wisdom Gathered From Timeless Principles And Parables


"Get Our Of Debt… Free!"

Discover Free Or Low Cost Methods To Eliminate Your Expenses And Live A Debt Free Life!


"Secrets To Subconscious Autopilot Wealth"

How To Wire Your Financial Blueprint To Create Unlimited Wealth On Autopilot In An Internet Age

Full mini-site included complete with sales letter, squeeze page, thank you pages and promo email! Just upload and start promoting within minutes!

You'll receive the source file, compiled PDF, unflattened Photoshop layers including your own mini-site with fully written sales letter to sell this entire series of products! Sell to the end user for $47 or more!

Module 5 - Home Business, Marketing And Opportunities Series

"I feel that luck is preparation meeting opportunity."

- Oprah Winfrey

How many times have you seen or heard of a good opportunity... only to let it slip through your fingers and go, "If only I had... etc. etc."

Face it. Jumping into opportunities helps us to learn and grow. But picking the right opportunities will get us there even faster! These series contains 5 books on finding the best business opportunities, how to monetize Forex and currency trading, branding yourself as a guru in this opportunity filled land, finding opportunities in home businesses and monetizing the web as an entrepreneur!


"Retire Young, Retire Rich From Business Opportunities"

Discover The Most Prominent business Opportunities And Methods In The 80's, 90's And 21st Century

"Forex Secrets And The Art Of Buying And Selling Any Commodity"

Learning The Mindset Of Powerful Traders And Mastering The Art Of Currency And Commodity Trading Easily

"Guru, Greatness And You"

Develop Guru Branding Status And Position Yourself As An Expert In Any Marketing Industry By Learning From The Gurus

"Discovering The Underground Home Business Revolution"

Build The Right Attitude And Learn The Secrets Of Those Secretly Cashing In Big Time In The Comfort Of Their Homes

"The Way Of The Webpreneur"

How To Market Any Skill, Talent Or Sell Any Product By Focusing On The Web As A Powerful Medium Of Expression

Full mini-site included complete with sales letter, squeeze page, thank you pages and promo email! Just upload and start promoting within minutes!

You'll receive the source file, compiled PDF, unflattened Photoshop layers including your own mini-site with fully written sales letter to sell this entire series of products! Sell to the end user for $47 or more!

Module 6 - Habits And Subconscious Series

"Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going."

- Jim Rohn

You have your dreams, you have set your goals, but it is winning the day to day battles that will help you win the war in the long run.

Without proper habits imbued into your subconscious mind, a creature of habit will always return back to it's old ways! It is time to reconsruct your habits by discarding bad ones and replacing them with good ones.

Learn in this powerful series of 5 how you can manage your anger better, how to beat procrastination, how to break your addictions, blast through all your subconscious fears in you and develop the discipline to reach your goals!


"Addiction Breaking 101"

Develop The Mental Strength To Break Any Bad Habit In Life


"The Secrets Of Anger Management"

Learn How To Control Your Rage And Take Control Of Your Life


"Conquering Fear In The 21st Century"

The Ultimate Guide To Overcoming Fear And Getting Breakthroughs!


"Discipline 101"

Break The Cycle Of Bad Discipline - Works Even If You Are Lazy Person!


"Procrastinating Your Procrastination"

Developing The Important 'NOW' Habit And Strategies That Will Help You To Take The First Step Quickly

Full mini-site included complete with sales letter, squeeze page, thank you pages and promo email! Just upload and start promoting within minutes!

You'll receive the source file, compiled PDF, unflattened Photoshop layers including your own mini-site with fully written sales letter to sell this entire series of products! Sell to the end user for $47 or more!

Module 7 - Health And Wellness Series

"The Body Is The Temple Of The Holy Spirit..."

- The Bible

You can have all the money in the world, but if you do not have great health to enjoy it with, it will be all for nothing.

That is why Steve Pavlina, author of the most popular personal development blog in the world believes that by getting your body in shape, it will give you better energy, greater clarity, feel good about yourself and even a more spiritual person!

Here are 5 books that will change your health forever - books about powerful berries, body building for busy people, dieting and nutritional health, ways to eliminate stress and to top it off, ways to achieve better sleep!


"Berry Boosters"

Acai, Maqui And Many Other Popular Berries That Will Change Your Life And Health


"The Bible Of Bodybuilding For Busy People"

The Life Changing Guide To Understanding All The Popular Exercise Techniques - Works Even If You Are Super Busy!


"The Most Important Guide On Dieting And Nutrition For The 21st Century"

Reviews Of The Most Popular Dieting Techniques And Nutrition Guides - Past, Present And Future!


"Sleeping Sanctuary - Salvation For The Sleep Deprived"

The Ultimate Guide To Sleeping, Napping, Resting And Restoring Your Energy


"The Stress Buster's Victory"

Overcome Mental Anguish And Create More Energy For Your Life

Full mini-site included complete with sales letter, squeeze page, thank you pages and promo email! Just upload and start promoting within minutes!

You'll receive the source file, compiled PDF, unflattened Photoshop layers including your own mini-site with fully written sales letter to sell this entire series of products! Sell to the end user for $47 or more!

Module 8 - The Network Marketing Series

"If you are a person with big dreams and would love to support others in achieving their big dreams, then the network marketing business is definitely a business for you. You can start your business part-time at first and then as your business grows, you can help other people start their part-time business. This is a value worth having - a business and people who help others make their dreams come true."

- Robert T. Kiyosaki

The network marketing industry is one of the biggest sales industries on the planet bringing in millions of dollars of revenue from all over the world!

The Internet has changed the way network marketing operates and it is very impotant to adapt to the times in order to become a smart networker!

This network marketing series of 5 contains powerful books that will turn you into a network marketing superstar! It covers topics on anticipating the next wave, how to sponsor others into your network, surviving your first year in network marketing, learning from the greatest networkers in the world and how to 'go Diamond'!


"The Diamond's Journey"

Building The Unstoppable Mindset Towards Achieving Lasting Success In Network Marketing


"Sponsoring Secrets"

The Art Of Getting Motivated Prospects


"Surviving Your First Year In Network Marketing"

The Ultimate Defense Against Attrition, Burn Out And Competition In Network Marketing


"The Greatest Internet Networker In The World"

Stories On How People Used The Online Marketing Strategies To Become The Most Successful Upline In The World


"Preparing For Wave 5"

How Any Network Marketer Can Utilize The Google Era To Skyrocket Their Network Marketing Profits

Full mini-site included complete with sales letter, squeeze page, thank you pages and promo email! Just upload and start promoting within minutes!

You'll receive the source file, compiled PDF, unflattened Photoshop layers including your own mini-site with fully written sales letter to sell this entire series of products! Sell to the end user for $47 or more!

Module 9 - Positive Thinking Series

"Positive thinking will let you do everything better than negative thinking will."

- Zig Ziglar

There's enough negativity going on in the world. It is also very easy to become infected by the negativity and it is the no.1 dream killer in the world!

It is time to tip the odds in your favor. Positive thinking is one of the biggest markets in personal development and with a series of 5 books, you will learn how to use affirmations powerfully, manifest positive thoughts easily, practice power attraction, use the Law of Attraction correctly and eliminate worry from your vocabulary!


"Advanced Affirmation And Attraction"

How To Use Affirmations Correctly And Attract The Right Things In Life


"The Power Of Positive Thoughts In The Post Modern Age"

Manifest Positive Thoughts In This Fast Pace Age


"Power Attraction, Power Play"

The Art Of Using Power Strategies To Get Ahead In Life


"Purposeful Law Of Attraction Accomplishments"

Using The Law Of Attraction To Accomplish Your Life's Purpose


"How To Stop Worrying And Start Living Effectively In The 21st Century"

An Updated Guide To Living Free Of Worry In The Knowledge Era

Full mini-site included complete with sales letter, squeeze page, thank you pages and promo email! Just upload and start promoting within minutes!

You'll receive the source file, compiled PDF, unflattened Photoshop layers including your own mini-site with fully written sales letter to sell this entire series of products! Sell to the end user for $47 or more!

Module 10 - Relationships And Social Series

"Interdependence is and ought to be as much the ideal of man as self-sufficiency. Man is a social being."

- Mohandas Gandhi

Man is not an island. If you do not learn to get along with others, you will not be happy in this lifetime. It is time to learn to make life easier by learning about relationships and helping one another to get to each other's goals together.

In this powerful relationship and social series, you will learn all about dealing with the most difficult people, the art of making others fall in love with you, fundamental differences between men and women, studying body language and gaining the courage to say whatever you want to say!


"Bringing The Best Out Of The Worst People"

The Guide To Motivating Others And Getting Results With Anyone


"How To Make Anyone Fall In Love With You Within Minutes"

Uncover The Hidden Chemistry And Find Your True Love


"Mars And Venus Battles - The Cyber Arena"

Applying The Timeless Truths About The Opposite Sex In The 21st Century


"Say Anything To Anyone - Anywhere!"

Develop The Strength To Say No, The Courage To Say Yes And The Conviction To Convince Anyone


"What The Body Is Saying And Their Mouths Are Not Telling You"

The Ultimate Speed Reading Guide To People Easily

Full mini-site included complete with sales letter, squeeze page, thank you pages and promo email! Just upload and start promoting within minutes!

You'll receive the source file, compiled PDF, unflattened Photoshop layers including your own mini-site with fully written sales letter to sell this entire series of products! Sell to the end user for $47 or more!

Module 11 - Spirituality And Enlightenment Series

"We are not physical beings having a spiritual experience but spiritual beings having a physical experience."

- Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

According to Stephen covey, we are all beings of 4 quadrants - physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. The fastest way to accomplish all your goals is to get your spirit in the right order. No longer a topic for religious people, it is time to tap into your inner being and live a spiritually fulfilling life.

This series talk about finding God (applies to any religion or faith), finding true spirituality, writing your 'bucket list', spiritual healing and fulfilling your destiny!


"Finding God In The Post Modern Era"

Develop A Deep, Intimate Relationship With God In The 21st Century


"Healing: Inside Out And Outside In"

Finding Zen Through Spiritual Healing


"I'm Not Religious - I'm Spiritual!"

Shed Your Dogmatism And Legalism In Order To Live Meaningfully And Passionately


"The Bucket List"

Discover How To Do The Things That Give You The Most Meaning In Your Life


"True Calling And Life Purpose Rediscovered"

Find Out If Your Ladder Of Success Is Leaning Against The Right Wall And Repurposing Your Life Easily

Full mini-site included complete with sales letter, squeeze page, thank you pages and promo email! Just upload and start promoting within minutes!

You'll receive the source file, compiled PDF, unflattened Photoshop layers including your own mini-site with fully written sales letter to sell this entire series of products! Sell to the end user for $47 or more!


"Over 250,000 Words with Full Private Label Rights to Stamp Your Name on... Resell and Profit for Years!"

With each book at 40 Pages and 6,000 words of quality content each, you have over a QUARTER MILLION Words of lucrative content in this module alone!... But wait there's more!...


Module 12 - 5 High Quality Motivational Videos With Non-Transferable Private Label Rights

Can't create a video to save your life?

With these videos in flash and AVI format, you get the raw source code to edit and create any video of your choice!

You get exclusive non-transferable PLR rights to these motivational videos:

There's no better time on the Internet than now to release your own personally created videos on the Internet and take advantage of the personal development market that are hungry for motivation and inspiration!

Module 13 - Massive 400 PLR Article Pack With Non-Transferable Private Label Rights

Chosen from the vaults of PLR Titans's massive archives, PLR content in the form of articles are known as juicy food for Google spiders!

Each article is a minimum of 300 words, and with 400 articles at your disposal, you can use the content here to create unlimited profit sources - brand yourself as the author, submit it to the article directories, fill your blogs with hundreds of blog posts, create niche content sites, affiliate review sites, adsense sites and many more!

Module 14 - 20 Affirmations And Mantras

What are affirmations and why are they lucrative?

"Affirmations refer primarily to the practice of positive thinking - fostering a belief that "a positive mental attitude supported by affirmations will achieve success in anything." More specifically an affirmation is a carefully formatted statement that should be repeated to one's self and written down frequently. For an affirmation to be effective, it needs to be present tense, positive, personal and specific."

Anyone who is an enthusiast of personal development will love these affirmations and mantras of positive thinking and personal development.

They can use these to supercharge their lives, motivate themselves, remember their goals, live with greater energy... you name it! The content is great for blogs as well!

Module 15 - 20 Beautiful PLR Wallpapers

Cut and paste these beautiful wall papers you can use for your desktop or put them on your websites and inspire your customers and prospects!

Brand your own website there and use it for your newsletters - the sky is the limit for these beautiful pictures.

Be inspired by the inspirational sayings and develop a feeling of tranquility as you feast your eyes on these images.

A perfect collection for any personal development enthusiast!

Module 16 - 30 Motivational Posters

They look like the real thing, don't they?

Print these out and hang them on your wall, or use these on your desktop, blogs, websites, newsletters...

Best of all, these posters will save you HUNDREDS of dollars if you were to buy them at a gift shop.

Complement your entire personal development empire with these as an addition!

Module 17 - 18 Beautiful PLR Graphics Pack

PLR Graphics with source files - you can use these to instantly create an army of images for your websites, blogs, newsletters, E-books and many more!

You'll get graphics in 3 sizes and PSD files for:

Module 18 - 10 Strategic Spreadsheets & Checklists


Want to track your goals?
Keep track of your finances?
Check your 'score' on the game of life?

These personal development spreadsheets and checklists are created in order to help track your progress for personal development!

Self improvement enthusiasts will love you for providing them these useful tools that will aid them in their growth!

Module 19 - 10 Personal Development Screen Savers

Screensavers are HUGE stress relievers!

Extended periods of starting at the same things hurt the eyes. But with these motivational personal development screen savers, you will find new and creative ways to motivate yourself!

Rarely will you find anyone who provides these special tools for a PLR package!

Module 20 - PLR Training Courses!

PLR Titans: Basic PLR Training Course

T. Harv Eker - a motivational speaker says, "Every master was once a disaster..."

So it doesn't matter who you are, or where you're from or what you did... as long as you love yourself enough to WANT to take that first step, that's all you need - faith the size of a mustard seed to begin your journey...

The Basic Training will get you started with every fundamental you need to know about PLR. Think of this as PLR 101.

PLR Titans: Advanced Training Course

Once you've learned the basics it is time to shift into 2nd gear and start using advanced product creation strategies with this guide.

Create an onslaught of killer content as you learn the art of using PLR like a master craftsman.

Create advanced products easily and use them to generate multiple streams of income for you!

PLR Titans: Expert Training Course

The expert at this level is able to use PLR for massive profiting strategies.

Learn how the pros use PLR in special areas and strike hard like a ninja!

You will learn techniques such as:

- Marketing huge products using a certain strategy
- How to monetize big with affiliate marketing
- Learn to use podcasts for profits
- Use offline lead generation for your online business
- Master the 'squeeze page' strategy
- Learn how to use viral videos
- Learn The 'bonus' game
- Take personal branding to the next level!

PLR Titans: Market Leaders Training Course

The guides here are truly for heavy hitters - people looking to make 5 to 6 figure incomes a month.

Learn behind the scene strategies of how you can completely dominate specific niches on the Internet.

Use powerful search engine optimization strategies taught here in order to pluck 'low hanging fruit' easily.

You will become the uncontested champion in secret, hidden niches designed to turn you into a market leader - truly for the unstoppable marketer!

PLR Titans: Guru Training Course

The final frontier...

Go all the way with PLR and turn your business into an empire of awesomeness!

These secret manuscripts will teach you complete mastery of PLR and it will turn you into a guru by applying these:

- Learn how to use PLR to create a ______________
- ________________ marketing using PLR content
- Create your very own ______________ launch
- Creating your own super ______________
- How to use newspapers and magazine publishing!
- Creating the ultimate ___________________

Unlock all these secrets by studying the guru course when you grab a copy of PLR Titans!

“You're Getting Over $7,806.00 Worth of Professionally Written Profit-Producing Content Done For You ...for Mere Pennies on the Dollar!”

Here's a recap of everything you're getting when you order today...

Product Value
Module 1 - 5 PLR Encyclopedias  
Powerful Internet Marketing Mindsets And Methods $197.00
Applying The 7 Habits In Holistic Personal Development $197.00
Social Bible Of Winning Friends And Influencing People $197.00
The Magic Of Thinking Really, Really Big $197.00
Rich Marketer, Poor Marketer $197.00
Module 2 - The Self Discovery Series  
Unlocking The Enneagrams Mystery $97.00
Balancing The 4 Quadrants of Life $97.00
Balancing Truth, Love And Power $97.00
Conscious Blitz $97.00
Polarities And It's Vital Functions $97.00
The 9 Personality Types $97.00
Module 3 - The Goal Setting & Getting Results Series  
50 Quick Tips On Getting Organized Easily $97.00
Goal Planning Strategies That Truly Work $97.00
How To Accomplish More In A Fraction Of The Time $97.00
Results And Rewards Blitzing $97.00
Time Management Strategies For The Knowledge Worker $97.00
Module 4 - Financial Freedom Series  
Think And Grow Rich In The Knowledge Era $97.00
Lessons From The Intelligent Investor $97.00
Becoming The Richest Man In Post Modern Babylon $97.00
Get Our Of Debt Free $97.00
Secrets To Subconscious Autopilot Wealth $97.00
Module 5 - Home Business, Marketing And Opportunities Series  
Retire Young, Retire Rich From Business Opportunities $97.00
Forex Secrets And The Art Of Buying And Selling Any Commodity $97.00
Guru, Greatness And You $97.00
Discovering The Underground Home Business Revolution $97.00
The Way Of The Webpreneur $97.00
Module 6 - Habits And Subconscious Series  
Addiction Breaking 101 $97.00
The Secrets Of Anger Management $97.00
Conquering Fear In The 21st Century $97.00
Discipline 101 $97.00
Procrastinating Your Procrastination $97.00
Module 7 - Health And Wellness Series  
Berry Boosters $97.00
The Bible Of Bodybuilding For Busy People $97.00
The Most Important Guide On Dieting And Nutrition $97.00
Sleeping Sanctuary - Salvation For The Sleep Deprived $97.00
The Stress Buster's Victory $97.00
Module 8 - The Network Marketing Series  
The Diamond's Journey $97.00
Sponsoring Secrets $97.00
Surviving Your First Year In Network Marketing $97.00
The Greatest Internet Networker In The World $97.00
Preparing For Wave 5 $97.00
Module 9 - Positive Thinking Series  
Advanced Affirmation And Attraction $97.00
The Power Of Positive Thoughts In The Post Modern Age $97.00
Power Attraction, Power Play $97.00
Purposeful Law Of Attraction Accomplishments $97.00
How To Stop Worrying And Start Living Effectively $97.00
Module 10 - Relationships And Social Series  
Bringing The Best Out Of The Worst People $97.00
How To Make Anyone Fall In Love With You Within Minutes $97.00
Mars And Venus Battles - The Cyber Arena $97.00
Say Anything To Anyone - Anywhere $97.00
What The Body Is Saying And Their Mouths Are Not Telling You $97.00
Module 11 - Spirituality And Enlightenment Series  
Finding God In The Post Modern Era $97.00
Healing: Inside Out And Outside In $97.00
I'm Not Religious - I'm Spiritual $97.00
The Bucket List $97.00
True Calling And Life Purpose Rediscovered $97.00
Bonus Modules  
Module 12 - 5 High Quality Motivational Videos $197.00
Module 13 - Massive 400 PLR Article Pack $400.00
Module 14 - 20 Affirmations And Mantras $200.00
Module 15 - 20 Beautiful PLR Wallpapers $200.00
Module 16 - 30 Motivational Posters $300.00
Module 17 - 18 Beautiful PLR Graphics Pack $180.00
Module 18 - 10 Strategic Spreadsheets & Checklists $100.00
Module 19 - 10 Personal Development Screen Savers $100.00
Module 20 - PLR Training Courses $197.00
Total Value (conservative value) $7,806.00


Here are 8 Lucrative Ways You Can Start Profiting from this PLR Content within Minutes from Now!...

1. Break down the eBook products into smaller PDF reports by splitting up the chapters and giving them away for free. In each report leave a link pointing back to your squeeze page where you offer your visitors free training. From there you can offer up-sells, affiliate products as well as back-end offers through your auto-responder.

2. Create a short sales letter for your bundle of small reports and offer master resell rights to internet marketers. They in turn will happily sell the product for you because it's an easy solution and you will gain new subscribers and potential customers with minimal effort! The more effort you put into creating your master reseller package, the better it will sell and the longer it will last so your efforts really pay off.

3. Instead of selling each package individually to end users, why not bundle 3, 4, 5 even 10 products together to make an offer they can't refuse? Not only can you increase your price, but you'll increase your conversions and attract other marketers to promote your offer. This will also set you up nicely to create a spectacular up-sell. Theme your offers together correctly so for example offer the big books from Module 1 as one offer, then as an up-sell present a goal setting and time-management offer from Module 3. You can keep adding more up-sells into your sales sequence over time.

4. Once you've established a good record of sales, take screenshots and proof of your earnings and statistics to create a compelling affiliate landing page. Give your affiliates a strong reason to promote your offer and give them 50-75% commission on front-end sales, and 50% on the up-sells and 50% on back-end sales. Affiliates love getting commissioned for all products in a sales funnel and don't want to be cut out of any deals. ClickBank and JVZoo fully support lifetime cookie tracking so there's no reason why this can't be done. Motivate your affiliates and watch the traffic come in!

5. Want to increase the value of your offer?... Then create a sales video! Write a script with a PowerPoint presentation and hire a voice-over artist to read it aloud. Then have a video editor compile everything into a perfectly synced web-ready video. Although there may be a little work up-front, the results are very rewarding. This is a valuable skill by itself that you can use to help sell ANY product in ANY niche.

6. Create a website that showcases the big books from module 1 of the package and sell them individually for $17-$27 each. By having a website that showcases your line of products, you can send traffic to one page that promotes 5 different sales letters. Inside each big book, you'd cross-sell your other products by adding 'you may also be interested in...' and then a picture of the other 4 books, similar to what Amazon does when you buy online.

7. Take the products from modules 2-11 and sell as a fixed term membership where you drip feed the content one module per month. This will give you 10 months of recurring payments that you can charge $27 per month at least! At that price you'd be providing great value to the end user - the personal that wants to develop their inner self without having to buy everything individually... cheaper for, stable income for you. Think about it, $27 per month for 10 months is $270 per person. Get 10 members joining you and you'll bag $2,700 by the end of the year without having to do any extra work - because all the costly written work and graphic design is done for you!

8. Bundle all big books from module 1 into one $77-$97 special offer and place them behind a low priced $7-$27 front end! Sell the books from module 4 'Financial Freedom Series' individually for $7-$27 each. When a customer makes a purchase, don't direct them to the download page, instead send to your new special offer and bag another sale. From personal experience, one-time offers can convert on average at 20%, so for every 5 front end sales you make, 1 will opt for your special offer. Obviously the offers have to complement each other which is why modules 3, 4, and 5 which are focused on 'money issues' will make a good set of front end products for the module 1.

Now there's so much more you can do, such as developing an affiliate program, getting a JV partner involved, adding count down timers, giving samples away, adding video presentations for your sales letters, getting testimonials and so much more but these will all become more obvious to you as you start to go deeper into it.

You're only limited by your imagination... if you have an idea, run with it and make it work for you!


Get Your Hands on “Timeless Evergreen Content” that People Actually NEED... so Your Products Have an Extremely Long and Profitable Shelf Life!

While the personal development market is in itself a HUGE market and people everywhere are looking for the whole deal - it is truly the mothership of all PLR packages in this niche!

The greatest benefit of this product is that it is an EVERGREEN market. These products will sell... FOREVER!

The self improvement crowd is not going to disappear in the future. As the world becomes more hectic and more corrupt, the more people will want to look for ways to get ahead, improve themselves, find themselves, think more positively, set more goals, look for more opportunities, build networks, even find something fun to do when they are old! This product package caters to EVERYTHING!

The big money you make THIS year will also be there (possibly even more) next year, the year after that, and the year after that, until FOREVER!

As a reseller you get the previlidge of adding your own touch to your product, rebranding it to match your domain, and even altering the sales letter and adding bonuses if you wish. Just owning the reseller's license to 1 of these products alone is going to be a very profible move for you.

This is one seriously generous offer, perhaps even overkill, with a lot of potential to make several thousands of dollars from. It's down to you how far you want take it!

Here's some quick ideas of what you can do with these products...

You can use the products for personal use.

You can put your name on the products as the author!

You can edit the contents, change the E-Cover, re-title the products, and include your very own back-end affiliate links!

You can break the E-Book contents down to articles for your viral article submissions, blogs or even e-zine!

You can sell the products, individually or in a package at any price you wish! The profit potential is yours to decide!

You can add the products into your (free/paid) membership site for your members to enjoy and increase the perceived value of your membership content! (PDF file only)

You can use the products as a bonus to another product you are selling!

You can include these products into a paid package and sell at a higher price!

You can sell the products through auction sites!

You can offer the (Master) Resell Rights - together or separately - to the products - and sell at a higher price!

You can give the products away (except the source file) and build rapport with your subscribers to later sell them another item!

You can resell the PLR rights to the PLR encyclopedias (terms and conditions apply)!

You can change and publish the products offline!

And so much more!

The Sky is the limit! This is your cash cow - there's just TOO MANY ways to make money with PLR Titans!


Now doesn't that sound fair? And to sweeten the deal...

Your Investment Today is Protected by Our 30 Day ‘Make More Sales’ Guarantee!

If You Can Honestly Say that our Products Have Not Make a Positive Impact on Your Business After Promoting and Selling them for 30 Days then We'll Refund You In Full. No Questions Asked.

Our private label rights products are designed to help you simplify your business and help you turn a profit faster as a green newbie or experienced marketer from day one. We put countless hours into creating quality private label content that you can profit from.

As a proud owner of PLR Titans we're backing your investment today with a very bold guarantee. We'll give you a full 30 days to test out our products. If you don't don't see an improvement in your business after using the products for 30 days then we'll refund you in full, and we'll even allow you to keep the entire package!

We're willing to invest countless hours researching, brainstorming and creating these powerful products for you and STILL give you the opportunity to 'test drive' it just to prove to yourself that you can indeed turn a profit using our products. This way all the risk is placed on us and lose nothing. In fact you're more likely to gain traffic, subscribers and sales as a result!

So the real question is are you ready to put your products into good use and start making sales? We think so! You have absolutely nothing to lose and so much more to gain... and honestly if you're committed to your business, you'll be too busy getting new leads and sending out promotion emails and making sales!


Secure Your Order Now and Get Instant Access to Over 250,000+ Words of Private Label Content in the 13 Billion Dollar Personal Development Niche ...and Instantly Re-sell Evergreen Products!

...without  Having to Spend Months, Even Years Researching, Building Credibility... and Creating Your own Products from Scratch!

Sell individually, start a membership site, sell with master resell rights, build a niche sales funnel create content-rich email courses, break down into articles, create your own packages, create home study courses, develop into an audio or video course, cross promote with other products build your name and brand plus much more!

Grand Total $7,806.00
Regular Price $197

Internet Security Notice: After clicking the payment button you will be asked to log into your Super Sales Machine member account. Once logged in you will then be redirected to the Zaxaa order form which uses the latest industry-Leading Encryption Technology (SSL). After payment you will have the option to customize your order. We advise you to NOT close close this window during checkout. You will be redirected immediately to the access page after purchase. Your products are added to your member account immediately and can be accessed at any time, any where. All purchases are fully backed by a 100% satisfaction guarantee and you may contact our friendly support staff at any time for support and assistance.


"Thanks so much for the great value on the dollar!... You get a customer for life"

Hey Aaron, I've been buying products from you for years and I always do it confidently because I know that as usual you provide great content and great quality for an extremely amazing price. Now, with this PLR package you went even higher by providing rarely seen value and choice for the price. Kudos! You get a customer for life. Best regards. - Andre Foisy

"Best PLR Ever!... Your PLR package is the best I have seen in quite some time! Now have an Ebook Store too that I am stocking"

I have been using PLR products for some time now as an internet marketer to build my list and to sell. Some products are not easy to sell. And I now have a Ebook Store too that I am stocking with the latest self help products. Your PLR package is the best I have seen in quite some time. And they have over delivered! Better get yours now if you are serious about PLR. - Vint Atkinson

"It's really amazing! All my collegues are shocked, because his designs can sell a lot of copies!"

Hi, my name is Dan Kidd and I'm working as russian infobusinessman. I work in graphics niche and all Aaron Danker works inspire me. I try to buy all his PLR products to get PSDs to use them in my business. I don't have any words, but is's really amazing! All my collegues are shocked, because his designs can sell a lot of copies. Thanks to you! - Dan Kidd www.RaiseYourProfit.com

"Great customer service and first class products!... I can create great products from this... Turn into unique quality products!"

Just the stuff I needed for my change your life site, great customer service and first class products. I can create great products from this material to sell on my self improvement site. Like all PLR material it takes a lot of work but the base line is there for me to turn into unique quality products. - Steven Erlick

"I've been buying from Aaron for years and have NEVER been let down in any of my purchases. His products are always the highest of quality..."

I've been buying from Aaron for years and have never been let down in any of my purchases. His products are always the highest of quality and resell easily because of this. If you are an end user you will get your money's worth from his products. If you are a reseller then it's a no-brainer that you will make sales. - Rick Roberts www.InternetSuccessZone.com

"One of the biggest PLR collections I have seen!... Everything that you could need to become THE player!"

One of the biggest PLR collections I have seen! There's a wealth of knowledge in these books, the challenge will be do you read before you sell? You can guarantee that there's several real nuggets in each book, and you'd be foolish not to but to invest in your self, let alone your business. Covey is in there, and so are Tony Robbins' messages. Why learn from a Giant when you can become a Titan by learning from a Titan! - Derek Atkinson

"I bought your PLR package because I think that it's excellent value for money!"

I bought your PLR package because I think that it's excellent value for money. I am planning to break up most of the modules and use the products *separately* as lead magnets on my squeeze pages - maybe with a few of the remaining products of the same module as an upsell. A free giveaway on a squeeze page combined with an upsell right after opt-in is a proven way of building your list fast and often in even 'self-funded' - and this gives me all the components to do this in the very lucrative self help niche. - Steven Jenkins

"Never seen a collection like this before that wasn't full of crap... One of the FEW Places I go for PLR!"

Hey it is your online brother from another mother. I love your PLR detail and insight to so many categories. Never seen a collection like this before that wasn't full of crap. Pickup your copy and your copy and begin to section off everything by niche and then into the 7 areas of marketing (websites, listbuilding, product creation, sales conversion, affiliate marketing and membership sites) - Darren Monroe

"This must be the Grandfather of PLR!... There is no other description I can use other than this!"

Hey Aaron, I just want to thank you for creating what must most definitely be the GRANDFATHER of ALL Self-Help PLR programs. And I know that's a tall order to fulfill. But there is no other description I can use other than this. This really is the ULTIMATE go-to site for PLR of the highest quality and standards. Your works are a life-saver! - Terence

"...Materials are great and I can wait to get my hands on it!... Wish everyone the very best of luck!"

I am just starting out, but seems easy to use! I used my paypal to protect my purchase and monitor my payments. The materials are great and I can wait to get my hands on it. I am particularly interested in the marketing section. Wish everyone the very best of luck and good hunting for those buyers and affiliates. - Karl Coffield

"Your PLR package is one of the best investments of the year... and probably beyond! You get an A++ with this one!"

Aaron, I very rarely write testimonials, mainly because it is hard to find real quality products to endorse. Your PLR package is one of the best investments of the year (and probably beyond). I've downloaded and reviewed everything and I'm seriously blown away with this and I think anyone who decides to invest in this will be too. You get an "A++" with this one! - Daniel Cortes

"Content amazes me and blows me away... I instantly get so many ideas on what to do with their unique materials."

For anyone considering buying and using PLR in their business, this is the way to go. They simply go beyond all our expectations overdelivering all the time, taking PLR to the next level, meeting the demands of the web.

The reality is simply this ... Over the past couple of years I (and I assume most internet marketers have as well) purchased PLR several times, just to forget about it, letting the package just lay unopened in the computer, gathering digital dust. But with this you can't wait to open their zip files and dive right into their brilliant material filled with high quality content.

Time and time again their content amazes me and blows me away. And I instantly get so many ideas on what to do with their unique materials. So if you are interested in increasing your web presence, building a better internet business, etc. Do yourself a favor and find what you're looking for immediately from the Super Sales Machine. I doubt you will be sorry.

Internet is today a fast changing arena. And to keep up with the rapid pace, delivering great content for your blogs, businesses etc, you need a easy to use blueprint for success...With this PLR package you will get the ultimate starting point you need. You just have to put it to work with your own imagination and ideas. I definitely encourage every serious online business entrepreneur to check out what they can do for them. Because content is always King on the internet. So... All I can say is such a big thank you. Keep up the good work. All the best. - Bill Carter

"As usual, you've over delivered again!... Will give me lots of quality products to promote to my list!"

As usual, you've over delivered again. Thanks, it's a great bundle for the cost, and will give me lots of quality products to promote to my list. Many of the products relate to my website and finding reports to promote in this niche are hard to find. Now I have a great collection of items to sell and upsell. - John Witherspoon

"Unbelievable Guys!... Talk about overdelivering!... When I saw the value in the package I was overwhelmed. You guys Rock!"

I am so impressed by and thankful for the PLR motivation package. Talk about overdelivering! I was skeptical at first about the cost, but when I saw the value in the package I was overwhelmed. As a long time Motivational speaker and youth advocate, this was EVERYTHING I needed to take my inspirational mission out to the web universe. Thanks so much again. I would recommend this to everyone whowants a true business in a box. Content, Ebooks, graphics, the full monty! You guys Rock! - Tom Staton

"I have made back my money plus MORE over and over again!... Make sure you keep up with Aaron's releases and you will never look back."

I have been involved in internet marketing for over 16 years now and have purchased many of Aaron's Resell Right Products over the time. Let me tell you, I have made back my money plus more over and over again. All Aaron's products go beyond in being user friendly for the purchaser. Such easy, virtually automated setup! Essential when you want to get it out there and start earning straightaway. I especially love his plugin email sequences. Make sure you keep up with Aaron's releases and you will never look back. - Suzanne Howarth www.BlogAndProfit.com/blog

"The size and range of this package is like few products I have seen before!... I tried to resist buying the package but had to return to the site and buy it!"

The size and range of this package is like few products I have seen before! It covers large areas of the self improvement market. The learning and selling aspects of this package are mind-boggling. I tried to resist buying the package but had to return to the site and buy it. At the very least, go and take a look. - John Watson

"WOW! So much PLR & so little time!... You always provide good value for money and this is NO exception!"

The products are grouped into 'read-to-go' packages which makes this really easy for customers to pick and mix - no matter what aspect of Self-Development that they want to read about and learn from. Thanks Aaron - you always provide good value for money and this is no exception. The bonus items are also very useful. - Colin Imeson (CIS Marketing Group & Oakleaf Publishers)

To Your Success! Aaron Danker

Aaron Danker is an established internet marketer with over 18 years of online experience. He provides innovative high level turn-key solutions and website installation services for marketers. The Super Sales Machine is the result of years of knowledge and experience all condensed into one powerful marketing system that any beginner and expert can profit from. Aaron will be handling all the backend sales and future product launches on your behalf to ensure you continue to profit!

Click Here to Download Your Personal Development PLR