Get instant access to 1-2 hours of weekly recorded coaching sessions that students paid $497 a month to join. Co-created coaching club lays out the blueprint to tell you exactly what to do to shortcut your success to a 6-figure a year business you can be proud of!
RE: Weekly coaching without the personal one-to-one investment
Thank you once again for your business. We love action-takers because it's people like you who get things done and make progress.
Right now we're offering you the chance to get up close and personal and join us for coaching sessions without the usual coaching price committments.
If you're ready to step out of your comfort zone and break thresholds, then this is for you...
Well let's look at it from this angle. What does it take to earn $100,000 per year?
With a quick calculation it's simply $273.97 a day...
$273.97 a day is 27 (and a bit) sales of a $10 product... or 6 sales of a $47 product... or 3 sales of a $97 product... or 1 sale of a $497 product every other day.
You've probably seen other marketers selling loads of products in this price range, if not more.
You know that selling loads of low ticket items is possible... or else you wouldn't be seeing this page would you?
You know that you can sell products or services for $97 or more don't you?... You've probably paid more in the heat of the moment and not thought twice about it.
The fact is with the right products, sensible pricing, and strategy in place, becoming a 6-figure marketer well within anyone's reach.
Above: Here's a picture of my home office... with 2 monitors a microphone for teaching students, my notes and a big cup of tea to keep me going!
Let's take it from a scientific philosopher...
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BEFORE: Before I decided to listen and model of other successful marketers I was doing okay. I would average around $200-$300 in sales a day. For many this is a good income but I knew I wasn't tapping into my full potential. I knew I was missing something but didn't know where to look. | AFTER: To step it up a notch, I needed to change something I was doing... not just in my work but in my mentality. I needed to think like a true marketer, rearrange my sales funnel, build a better lead generator, create a wider range of products, and position offers correctly. Thanks to the advice of my mentor. |
Above: An internet marketing seminar I attended in Manchester, UK where experts and newbies gathered for a lecture on sales funnels. |
Don't get me wrong, I love attending seminars, meeting new people, networking with like-minded marketers... the whole experience is amazing and I definitely recommend you go when you have the chance...
But here's my issue... What I noticed is that the beginners there were NOT even prepared to grasp what was being taught. They had NO idea of the strategies that was being lectured.
A simple 'box' in part of a diagram that was projected on the whiteboard looked like a quick 1 hour job that anyone could do and get right. But when I confronted the guru about this particular detail it actually represented 10 months of work. Yes TEN months!... Of which included split-testing, tens of thousands in paid advertising, sale video tweaks and constant monitoring...
On top of that the questions that were being asked by individuals NEVER got down to the heart of the matter. Beginners would asked completely the wrong questions, at times even confuse the guru and the whole Q and A session was a bit cringe-worthy....
Only someone who had some experience could even grasp what's been said... let alone know what they're really getting themselves in for.
But of course I don't blame the guru and I don't blame the newbie. It's just how it is when you see people at completely different ends of the spectrum. Communication is bound to be lost in translation. There's bound to be misunderstanding.
I personally believe that those who know should teach. But at the same time have the RESPONSIBILITY to teach the right thing to the right person at the right time in a way that the student can understand and actually USE.
This is where our co-created coaching club steps in...
Above: My desk is full of notes, random ideas, and well thought-out processes. I get new ideas every day and have to write it down before I forget |
The problem with most beginners, and even those that have been doing this for years with little results... is that they DON'T have the bigger 30,000ft high picture.
Some will hit a plateau, get the same mediocre results again and again, and not move beyond their boundaries. Many will give up simply because they are not prepared for the amount of work ahead of them.
Sure it's great to make your first sale. It's great to make your first commission and it's great to make a side income with your business... But remember you're here because you want change - COMPLETE lifestyle change. And that comes with a mental shift and attitude that has to take place within YOU... and it starts here and now.
Whether you've been trying to make your first sale for some time... or whether you've been in and out of the game... or whether you've just wanting to take your earnings to the next level... this coaching club is designed for you.
We've taken one of the hardest subjects in the world and broken everything down into small and manageable weekly lessons that follow on from one after the other.
Every week you'll get access to around 2 hours of powerful, focused and action-orientated coaching calls that will completely re-program the way you think about information marketing and selling online at large.
Let us take you by the hand and guide you through one of the toughest mental breakthroughs you'll ever experience.
No longer will you be doing the same thing over and over again hoping for a different result... No longer will you be jumping around from one technique to another... No longer will have unproductive days by the computer screen that just drain your energy.
With your new found coaching you'll be able to build your business from a holistic approach, look back at what you've already learned, see if it fits in with YOUR bigger picture and then decide there and then to integrate it or dump it.
Jump on board, get involved and join the ranks of highly successful marketers. Get access to the minds that have produced 6-figure and 7-figure a year incomes and get results that will change you for the better.
The 'behind the curtain' truth of internet marketing. See why the nature of this business is NOT linear, and how to build it from a holistic approach.
We'll discuss the mental shift you have to make as an into-entrepreneur so you're never stuck or limited by 'step-by-step' processes.
Why you should always approach 'set in stone' methods with a flexible mind and why certain processes are never really complete, but rather work in progress.
The story of the student, the teacher and the method. Discover why some methods work for some but don't work for others and who's fault is it?
Tackling fatigue and tireness when starting out. How to attain results fast so you're not burned out.
Why very few people succeed online... and strangly why the ones that do continue to succeed again and again like clockwork.
See why the 'secret code' that everyone looks for has so much mass appeal, and why even successful marketer will have a hard time 'codifying' their system.
Why setting clear goals and knowing exactly what you want to accomplish is paramount in this business, and why it will with-stand the latest fad.
A common trait every successful entrepreneur has and how to adopt this characteristic in your daily rountine for UNSPOTTABLE success.
Discover what you should be doing for your niche and why your level of expertise matters and is something you should continiously be working on.
How to build an expert presence in your niche within 30 to 60 days instead of going through YEARS of hard work.
We'll discuss a typical 'off the top of the head' example of re-purposing content and distributing it through multiple channels for traffic fast.
The 'premium experience' business model, how it works and how you can fast-forward your way to expert-level status even with a simple website.
How to shift the perception of your prospects so you're seen as an expert, even without calling yourself an expert, yet still deliver tremendous value.
The real reason why people spend money with you and why focusing solely your products can be limiting your growth.
How to jump into the deep end of the funnel and turn one prospect into a committed client, have them fund your business, create a product and testimonial all in one go.
How to expand your circle of impact once you've created your expert presence.
Distractions. Why all the information you've learned in the past, present and in the future will not work if you give distractions priority.
Know how important your business really is for you by your actions. Learn how to question your time and where your focus is on a day-to-day, hour-by-hour basis.
The core 4 pillars of marketing. If what you're currently doing doesn't live up to this list then you're not getting the most value out of your time.
Discover the number one most important operating step in your business.
Why your goal in your business should be to be number in the world for your exact skill, and how to leverage this aspect to attract even more clients.
The ranking system. Why you're already positioned in your niche even if you're against 1,000 other competitors
How to keep a watchful eye on your competitors, how to 'fill in the holes' in your niche and be the number one in your industry.
The 2 things you need to be in place before you sell anything to anyone. Without these elements your business will be scattered and results hap-hazard.
Discover what is a high-ticket model, how it works and how it relates to other products in the industry.
Find out how to use the 'high-ticket contrast' model even if you consider yourself a newbie or apprentice and why this positions you well in advance.
We'll discuss a simple 3-step product formula that attracts customers and sets you up ready to receive higher paying clients.
How to apply the 'stair step funnel', what price points to sell at and what products or services you can offer.
A quick look at the 'hybrid funnel' and how to integrate your high-ticket with your low-ticket to attract higher paying clients fast.
Sell 2 copies of a $100 product or 20 copies of a $10 product - find out which is better and why.
Driving traffic and not making sales? Find out what factors cause this and how to remedy it.
Daily content production. How much content should you produce, what type of content should you produce and the knock on effect it will have 1 year from now.
A story of how a collection of blog posts can be re-purposed into a popular selling book.
How to overcome procrastination, schedule activities into time slots, plan your days in advance and accurately forecase where you'll be 1 year from now.
Find out what is the 'heartbeat' of your business and why automation is absolutely necessary.
Building automation processes in 'set and forget' fashion that will continue to work for you even on your bad days.
A quick re-cap on position yourself and why this matters before you start charging for any product or service.
Why you should not look to your competition for price points and how being the best at what you do changes the market.
How to create an incredible level of real scarcity that lets you charge prices how you want.
Brainstorming an ultimate package where you can charge anywhere from $5k-$10k or more.
What an ultimate package should include, how much of your time you should be offering with it.
How an ultimate package affects other products in your sales funnel and how it instantly creates tremendous perceived value.
Charge all in one go, or split up into payment plans. We'll discuss suitable payments plans you can create and what numbers to work with.
The product value system. How to position and set up products that deliver the right amount of value based on your price points.
Why content has a limit with high price points, and the truth of what higher paying clients are really looking for.
A simple method to make your customers and clients accountable for their actions. This alone will boost the value your high ticket offer.
How to avoid the 'brain dump' that customers experience and break your high ticket offers into milestones to create measurable results.
How to apply the 10x10 matrix to create any product, any home study course, any coaching program in any niche for absolute clarity.
The most important thing you can do in the first month of your business, how to break it down and what you should end up with.
Discover the 'core 4 model' for operating your information business.
Find out the exact business model that has worked for over 7 years and continues to work to this day.
How much time a day you should dedicate to each core 4 model whether you're working full time or part time online.
A 3-month product development plan with set targets for each month and how to build upon what you've already done.
We'll discuss various methods of communication with your followers or group to setup your pre-sell.
Why beginners should never write an entire email campaign in one go. Instead we'll give you a technique that produces solid campaigns.
Real case studies of students who did the right thing at the wrong time. Learn from this so you don't fall into the same trap.
A powerful tip when writing emails to large mailing lists without it sounding like a 'broadcast'.
This isn't another 'how to' tutorial on how to upload files to your server... because you should already know how to do this by now...
This isn't another 'business in a box' solution... because you've probably got way too many of them already... many of them untouched...
And this isn't another 'quick read report' that waffles on about theory without giving you any practical advice...
What you're about to get your hands on are high-level coaching sessions that are tried and tested, that are not only being implemented by all the gurus in their respective industry, but TIMELESS as well. Why is that important?... Because you don't want to learn something now and then 5 years from now it suddenly DOESN'T work.
...Remember the good old days when you could just create tons of automated blogs and scrape content from other sites to get organic traffic?
...Remember when you could buy cheap clicks and send it to an AdSense-built site and sell the clicks for more?
...Remember when you could manipulate search engines with backlinks and rank at the top for any keyword?
What happened to those good old days? If you don't remember any of these events you probably weren't around for that. But if you were around when that happened let me ask you... why don't they work anymore?...
They were just a fad. Fads will come and go but REAL honest strategies will last a lifetime and that's exactly what we're here to teach.
Once you enter our Monthly Coaching Club everything you learn will stay with you forever. No stone un-turned and no holds barred.
I have been online now for just under 8 years. I developed a keen interest for Internet Marketing early on in 2006 and had been trying to make money through numerous online training programmes ever since.
I have been on Aaron's list for maybe 3 years or so as I was really impressed with the quality and the quantity of all the products within this membership site and all the valuable training inside. The way Aaron had things set up, specifically tailored to help people like myself who were new to internet marketing and get them started with products that you just purchase and you had the option of setting these products up yourself or Aaron had a setup service where for a small fee, he would set these up for you.
We had an excellent chat and Aaron explained to me where I was going wrong and how he could get me on the right track and we discussed some of the training programmes he had and how he would work with me and guide me through any technical issues that I had. There was no pressure on myself, he totally told me some home truths and how he could improve on that and guide me down the road to success. I signed up and it proved to be the best decision, I have ever made, thankfully now after so many long years, I can see some light at the end of the tunnel.
Aaron is an excellent teacher and in my opinion, without a shadow of a doubt, he is light years ahead of anyone else and is truly the REAL DEAL. No matter what your struggles are, Aaron's ability to guide you through it in a nice calm relaxing manner is just one of his many strong points as he makes you feel like you can actually do this. No matter what your difficulties are, Aaron will take the time to guide you through any difficulties you may have and have you feeling more confident about yourself and your abilities.
He is definitely the one and true person that I can really rely on to get me on the right path to success and I would like to emulate him and his skills in every way, because Aaron actually does this stuff on an everyday basis and you only have to take a good hard look at what he does online to know that his skill level is such, that you instantly want to learn from him. I have never seen anyone present these products in the way Aaron does, his graphic skills are amazing and the way he presents his products online is a testimony within itself.
I would definitely recommend Aarons training because, to be honest, I've tried so many different types of training over the years, mostly all of them failed and what I have personally learned is that, I could never have achieved any of this without Aarons help. There is a huge difference between learning through some video course and actually working one to one with someone with his expertise.
Oportunities do not come around too often and you have to grasp them up instantly or they could be gone tomorrow and I'd be back, stuck in that same old rut as before, wasting a ton of money and just constantly going round in circles.
I would just like to say a big thanks to Aaron for accepting me as his student and I look forward to working with him and finally putting all these Internet Marketing challenges to rest. Rest assured, I will be learning as much as I possibly can from Aaron so I can finally achieve my goals and have a life style that I really can be happy with and my ultimate goal to be able to give up my day job and do this full time.
Thanks Aaron for all your help!
- Mark Toughill
I was thinking of throwing the towel in and giving up on my online ventures. I was feeling frustrated with spending so much time and money online and only making a little money here and there. I had just ended a coaching program that was not getting me anywhere. It was kind of coaching you know very well that the coach knows their stuff but was holding back with that critical information that I need to breakthrough.
When I saw Aaron’s advert about his coaching program, all frustration just went out of the window. My first reason was that having been on his list for a while, I knew how generous the man is; with all the good quality freebies he gives out every now and then. My second reason was the flexibility, the fact that the coaching would be designed around me - what I’m good at and what I want and not some kind of program that fits or suits everyone. Thirdly, I sensed that he truly wanted to help people make it online.
I have learnt so much more than I expected to learn. Although I’ve been online for a while, but there are some things in online marketing that unless you are actually shown by an expert, you will always find yourself going round in circle without tangible results. There are some information not readily available online and so you need someone to actually show you. For example, I’ve heard time and time again about building a funnel, but when Aaron drew and showed me what my funnel will look like….it blew my mind! Everything just started making sense. There are tools I’ve heard of but never used and also those that I’ve never heard of and within weeks I found myself confidently using them.
Aaron is a generous and very patient teacher that will not stop until you get it and above all, he knows his stuff! I could not have asked for a better teacher! To be honest, I was quite sceptical about which level my coaching will take off from as the last thing I wanted was to have to waste time starting from a newbie stage but Aaron was able to deduce what my skills were, what I could do with them and where to spend my time.
My confidence about my online business has surely grown. I now think like an internet marketer because I know what I do to achieve results. I have a better picture of where I am going and how to get there.
I would recommend Aaron’s coaching program to anyone that wants to make it online. You would be learning from an expert who knows what is working now and how to get ahead. He is a very patient and flexible teacher that will not stop until you get it. Above all, he is very generous and doesn’t hold back!
- Remi Badozi
Following your advance last 2 months in a row I made $1,500 profit by doing launches and enrolling people hap hazardly into my coaching at $497, $97 and $147 per month. First one did 200 units by following your method, second one did 100 units. Your stuff rocks! - Billy
I started listening to your teachings exactly a year ago, and in the last year I've created an entry-level product and an advance product for a "set it and forget it" funnel along with an autoresponder sequence to sell them... first marketer that's really helped me go from "understanding" to complete "implementation" - I can't wait to see where my business goes next year. I spent 5 years building traffic without much to monetize it... now I have a real business. Thanks! I'll definitely be using this training myself and maybe I'll teach it to a few others. - Kristen Burgess
It was kind of a shock for me, lotes of new concept, lots of old stuff had to go... I wrote articles on April 15th, I used 24 articles, 1 free gift, 37 subscribers and fanpage, 1 affiliate partner, I sold a 6-month coaching program for 2 coachee. The total revenue for this program is about $3700. Only 2 weeks I attracted 2 customers that brought me $3,700. Thank you very much. - Zoe.
You can be sure that he won't teach you anything that he hasn't done himself successfully. When he tells you that he will give you exactly what to put on your landing page, the exact offer to make, the exact positioning for your landing page etc. it's because he's done it. He's receivsed and tested it, and knows it works. - Dr. Bruce Hoag
Students happily paid $497 a month to get access to this information along with personal attention.
What we're offering is access to the information but without the immediate personal attention but at a hefty fraction of the price.
You'll receive your own personal login details to enter the members area and every week we'll add new coaching lessons into your account.
Simply log in at your convenience, listen to the coaching lessons, take notes, draw out your personal plan and start implementing them into your business on the same day.
Your committment today is a committment to yourself. The strategies work and have been for over 10 years and ironically whilst everyone else is jumping from one fad to the other, we will continue to do the same thing we've always been doing.
Note: This training was created for you in mind. After a certain point there's no product that can do all the work for you. You have to make that mental shift that makes you see things from another angle and inspires you to step up your game.
And yes, even with all this training... we're still backing your purchase with a 30-Day 100% Satisfaction Guarantee!
We created the Monthly Coaching Club as the 'go to' place for all your internet marketing training needs. We know what it's like to be a struggling beginner without help or answers. This why we created an entire membership dedicated to bringing you all the knowledge and help you need so you can listen to the training sessions in your own time, learn at your own pace and achieve great results!
Not only do we promise a 30 day no questions asked guarantee but we even guarantee that you will NOT find a better deal that this anywhere else! Join today, watch the videos, learn and apply the techniques and if you can honestly say that you're not getting any results, then contact us for a full and prompt refund. We'll close your account for you, and you will have still walked away with more knowledge then when you first started. That way you never lose a cent, and we don't lose out as a business.
But honestly, we think you'll love the membership club. There's simply too much valuable information inside that it would cost you more to leave this deal behind. And we think you'll love the training so much that you'll want to remain a member. Secure your spot now for just $1 and we'll see you inside the members area!
It's a fast, convenient and cost effective solution! Just log into your account once a month, and new training sessions will be added. You'll still get access to everything from previous months so you can learn at your own pace.
Get up to 2 hours of practical sessions added each and every week for a whole year! No need to go looking for other course and training material. Get everything delivered to you at your fingertips.
Learn the latest topics and marketing techniques! These are not re-hashed ideas that worked 'once upon a time'. You can implement them immediately and get results in your business the same day.
Improve your marketing IQ and get smarter over time! Each month covers a specific marketing theme in a progressive order. Everything is related and overlaps the previous month's training. As you grow, your business does too.
Much more affordable than a personal coach. Expect to pay $100-$200 or more per hour, per week for personal attention and you'd be lucky to get through a month's worth of training modules without gasping at the hefty fee. Add to that back and forth questions, the time it takes you to learn, and you'll easily looking at $400-$800 a month... or $4800-$9600 for the year. The small fee to join this membership is almost NOTHING by comparison.
Test drive the monthly coaching membership now for just $1 and it will be added to your account immediately. This gives you 7 days access to the members area where you've receive over 2 hours of coaching lessons starting today.
Then if you like everything, simply remain a member and you'll be conveniently billed $20 a month for the next 12 months. Every week we'll add 2 hours of high level training to your account that you can implement right away. We'll leave the newly added content inside for you so you'll never miss a lesson. Simply log in at any time to access the content.
If you want to cancel, simply submit a support ticket with your transaction ID or email address and we'll cancel your membership for you and refund you any over-payments and we'll stop adding training new sessions to your account. We've packed so much value into this membership that it will cost you more to leave it behind. (...even if you stayed for the year, you're still paying half of what our students paid for one month's session)
However we know that you'll get tremendous value just from this trial period alone. What you learn and absorb in the next 7 days will have a direct impact on your business.
Test drive it now for just $1 with absolutely no risk.