Feeling Lost in Your Business? Don’t Worry! Book a FREE 10min Strategy Call to Build a Business Plan that Works for YOU and Get on the Right Path to Success!

If you’re getting Little or NO Results... Feel OVERWHELMED & CONFUSED by all the information out there... You can get access to a REAL Marketer with ALL the Answers you NEED and together we'll build a SOLID PLAN that you can stick to... and finally see results!

Click Here to Book Your FREE 10 Minute Strategy Call Now Save years of trial and error, $1000s in mistakes and build your business properly from the ground up.

Okay so you want to make money online... You decided some time ago that internet marketing is your vehical... You've seen the ads, the viral videos, the amazing claims that people are making and you want that for yourself... and you're super eager to get started...

You've signed up to countless newsletters, subscribed to many YouTube channels, and joined several Facebook groups, subscribed to the best forums and attended many webinars... and now your inbox is full of 100s, even 1000s of notifications and emails selling you all sort of products... to the point where you don't what's what anymore...

You're slightly overwhelmed and confused by all the information out there. The creative 'monkey mind' of yours wants to jump from one thing to the next. Everything seems exciting and everything gets your attention.

Eventually you wind down and take small simple steps...

You do your research, buy a few courses and try a few methods... but somehow you're still NOT getting the results you want... or at least the results that's advertised.

You keep going anyway... and days turn into weeks... weeks into months... months into years... and somehow you're still missing the mark.

You start to question yourself and wonder is this 'internet marketing' thing really for you? You wonder if you're missing something... or if they're not telling you everything they know...


You’re Back to the Old Drawing Board...

...with a Chip on Your Shoulder and Feeling a Little Frustrated...

You keep hacking away at your business hoping that your efforts will lead you somewhere... or you just STOP taking action altogether, coast along day-by-day, dabble in this and that, and 'wait' for the answer to come to you.

You browse the web every day looking for answers... You check your emails and get hyped up by every new shiny object... Afterall the animated video is very convincing and you get caught in an endless loop of buying random things, things you might not even need, and never taking action on, or follow through to completion.

You look at all the product folders on your hard drive and see dozens of courses you've bought. You still have the login details for many membership sites... the old training is there... but you're still in no better position.

Maybe you're an honest hard worker... you put in the hours and take action every day... but you find yourself spinning your wheels with nothing to show for it?

Perhaps you got lucky one time and you made a sale accidentally... without knowing how exactly you did it... or whether you can pull it off again...

You feel a little bit lost and overwhelmed and need a second opinion on whether or not you're heading the right direction... Maybe you've reached your limits and you've thought about quitting and going back to a day job?

Well hold that thought because... little do you realize that...


You’re Just a Millimetre Away from Building Your Dream Internet Business...

Have you ever heard about the ‘Millimetre Rule’ by Tony Robbins?

Here's a small quote worth noting... "sometimes the biggest growth opportunities don’t come from new initiatives, but rather from taking the core processes the business is already doing and executing them more effectively. A small improvement made in a few key areas can result in geometric growth to the business as a whole."

Let's take golf for example... When you change the angle at which you hit the golfball by just 1 or 2 millimetres, in the very beginning you may not notice the difference... but after some distance, the path of the golfball changes significantly. The further the ball travels, the more you'll notice it's placement.

And it's not only about hitting hard all the time either... If you hit the ball hard when your aim is off, you'll miss the hole every time.

The same can be said for your online business. If you're "1 or 2 millimetres off" in your actions, you'll notice that you're off target the longer you work on your business through your results... even if you put 100% effort into it.

It's not that you're NOT working hard or giving it 100%... it's that you're doing the wrong things very well... like putting 100% effort in something that brings you 1% of your potential. And no one wants that do they?

Instead you want to put 100% effort in something that brings you 100% of your potential... so even on your 'off' days, you can still put in 50% and head the right direction.

The fact is you need someone to guide you. You've got a lot of muddled up information in your head right now. You 'know' a lot of stuff and you've probably learned a few skills. But now you need someone to help you connect the dots... and put it into a plan that YOU can do.


Here’s the REALITY of Online Marketing...

Most Struggle with “Information Overload” and “Trying to Do Everything At Once” and “Starting but Not Finishing”...

Over the years we've surveyed 1000s of subscribers on various topics to understand what level they're at in their business. One of the most common issues that prevent you from progressing is "Trying to do everything at once"... followed by "Information overload"... and "Starting but not finishing"... maybe you can relate to this?

Another big problem is with all the information available online, you can get overwhelmed and fall into the trap of "Not knowing where to start"... This is a bad position to be in as you don't gather any real experience for yourself and become stagnant very quick and end up looking for the next best solution...

Now let's take a look at distractions. One thing you absolutely need in this business is the ability to FOCUS for hours at a time so you can see a project through to completion.

Based on the multiple choice answers you can see that over 42% of subscribers are distracted by the very thing that they're using to make money with... "browsing on the internet" and "checking emails" and "Facebook"... with over 35% distracted by the TV... something that can easily be turned off!

The fact is if you want to become a seller, you have to STOP becoming a consumer. It's very easy to get caught up in a new product launch and look for the next shiny object... Let me ask you this... do you think all the top internet marketers are checking their emails every day for the next best thing?... or killing time by watching TV?... No. In fact they have a lot of quiet time to themselves and schedule meetings and 'distractions' to keep them on track. You need to adopt this mindset as quickly as possible if you truly value your time.

So what are the majority of beginners trying to achieve in terms of income?... Well the results speak for themselves. Over 36% want to make $10k per month or more... followed by over 21% that want to make $5-6k per month.

These numbers are quite do-able even for beginners, but you have to be REALISTIC about your business model, what you're selling, the prices you sell at, your range of skillsets, what you're willing to learn, how well you perform certain tasks, and how many hours you're willing to put into your business... amongst many other things.

When it comes down to learning certain skills, "Getting traffic" is the #1 problem with almost half of everyone surveyed choosing this option. This comes are NO surprise because if everyone was killing it with traffic, they would be monetizing or making sales. This problem can be easily resolved but again it depends on the type of person you are, and what you're willing to do to get the traffic.

"Affiliate marketing"... "Email marketing"... "List Building"... and "Everything"... come next with over 33% of subscribers choosing this option. Logically speaking this makes sense, as once you've got traffic, you can direct to a an affiliate landing page, or use it to build an email list and send out promotions.

If you can relate to any of these survey results then it may be high time that you got the advice from someone that has been there and done that... someone who has helped 100s of marketers make their first sale online.

But here's the problem...

1-on-1 Coaching Calls DON’T Come Cheap!

Expect to pay anywhere from $5 to $83.33 or more PER MINUTE! A quick 7 minute call can set you back $75... to $1249.95!... and that's assuming you're at the level to implement it!

The fact is you probably DON'T run a multi-million dollar business... and most likely you're not in a position to be paying $1249.95 for 15 minutes, or $2,499.90 for 30 minutes for advice on how to make your next million. If you are then you wouldn't be reading this page.

Equally you probably don't want to spend $5 per minute ($300 an hour) for a coaching session because you know it will take you several 1 hour sessions before you get anything going... (Just 10 sessions add up to $3,000 very quickly!). You'd rather spend it on something pre-made and done... or even buy traffic.

But you're still wondering what you could be doing wrong?... What is that missing piece of the puzzle you need to know?... How can you build-upon what you already know and do it better to finally see tangible results?... And how can you get the answers fast without spending a fortune on coaching?

This is where our quick strategy call comes in... But before we get into that you may be thinking to yourself... "why should I listen to you..." and "do you really know know what you're doing?..." Well take a look at this...


An Online Business is AWESOME When Done Right!

We've Made $10,764.85 in 1 Month, Sold Over 200+ Units a Month and Can Generate Paydays of Over $1,053 with Digital Products...

We've been selling our own products and services for well over decade without fail. That's saying something right there.

...And can bring large pay day in excess of $1000 per day and over $10K per month and it's not uncommon for our customers to come back and keep buying products from us and spend anywhere from $1000-$2000 or more over the span of several months.

We don't tell you this to show off, but rather to show you that we know what we're doing. Because if you're going to learn from anyone, you best make sure they know what they're doing... and more importantly, can TEACH YOU how to do it too.


Traffic Will NEVER a Problem for You!

Imagine Getting 1849 Visitors to Your Website EVERY DAY Who Are Eager to Sign-Up and Buy Your Products...

As mentioned in the survey, "Getting Traffic" is one of the hardest problems marketers face, but it's not even a problem for us.

From the screenshots above you can see that we can bring in 1849 unique visitors in less than 24 hours, 16,463 visitors in a week, even 60,103 visitors in one month... The best part is they're coming in from FREE traffic sources!

What would you do if you had all that traffic coming to your website on complete auto-pilot? How many sign-ups a day would you get?... What product would you sell?... And in case you're wondering... these aren't cheap, low-quality visitors either... they're highly targeted visitors who know what they want.

You'll also notice that our 'Page Views' are almost 3-6 times more than our 'Unique Visitors'. Why is that important?... Because it means visitors are coming back to our site and viewing many pages in our network of sites. The fact is we know how to get them hooked and coming back for more, which is vital if you want to do well in this business.


We’ve Made $64,710.78 with Affiliate Marketing on JVZoo... as a Side Income!

Plus $1000s more with Other Affiliate Programs without Hard-Selling!

As you can see we've 'dabbled' in affiliate marketing and have made over $64,710.78 selling other people's products, not to mention $1000s more with other affiliate programs...

Whilst affiliate marketing is not our primary business, (as we really like selling our own stuff) you can still see what's possible when you focus ONE thing and how it over-flows into other areas of your business. What's it worth to you if you could stumble into profit like this without even trying?...

One of the perks of being a top-performing affiliate is that you'll get noticed by the network and other top marketers. As you can see, JVZoo will change your account to 'Premium Status' and allow you to promote other people's products without going through an approval process.

This makes it even easier to promote new offers. Then the more sales you make for your JV partners, the more they'll return the favour and promote your offer. Success leads to more success.


We’ve Built an Email List of Over 50K Subscribers that LOVE Reading Our Emails...

...and can Get Anywhere from 207, to 478 to 546 Clicks in 24 hours from all that FREE traffic!

One of the best things about selling your own products is customer-loyalty and responsiveness. Yes you can promote affiliate offers every day, but your subscribers won't be as responsive.

As you can see from our reports, we can get anywhere from 207 (on a bad day), to 328, to 481 to even 546 clicks within 24 hours. Even with our back-up autoresponder account, we can boost traffic further with an additional 180 clicks. That's a serious amount of warm traffic going to a website at any one time... which as you guessed... leads to sales.

So the question you might be asking yourself right now is "That's all great, but what do I do will all this information?..." and "How do I apply what you've done to get similar results?..."


We have the answer for you...

Get a 10 Minute Strategy Call to Help You Break Through Glass Ceilings & Limitations

Skip the Uphill Struggle & Get the Answers You Need NOW! Get Years of Practical & Profitable Advice without Buying 100s of Courses!

If you've been 'working' on your online business for several years now and not getting anywhere, then you have to be honest with yourself and consider that you may be doing things wrong or ineffectively... and need someone to help you.

Wouldn't it be great if you could get access to the brains of an online marketer with over 15 years of experience in a variety of business models... Right here, right now? What questions would you ask?... What problems would you solve?... How much faster would you progress?...

Our strategy call is the answer. Get the answers you need based on where you're at in your business that's tailor-made to suit you. Never get stuck in your business and get all the help you need. Here are just some of the topics we can help you with...

Online business planning
Marketing ideas
Traffic strategy
Website review
Affiliate landing pages
Blog content and design
Detailed problems
Technical issues and work-arounds
Sales funnel review
Plan your lead magnets / free gifts
Plan your offers
Low-ticket product development
High-ticket product development
List building
Email writing
Email campaigns
Graphic design
Daily/weekly action plan
Identifying profit gaps
Quick fixes
Set goals to give you direction
and so much more!


Get 18 Years of Marketing Experience

Condensed into One Strategic Call that's Tailor-Made to Suit You.

Maybe you have burning questions you've always wanted to ask but no one seems to answer them for you?... Maybe you've spent months doing your research, tried so many things but could never get any traction and just want someone to guide you? Maybe you've come up with an idea but need a second honest opinion to know if you're heading the right direction?

Perhaps you've started a project but never finished it because of technical or marketing limitations? Or maybe you just want take your current skills and put it together into your own unique sales funnel in the best, most profitable way possible?...

Whatever stage you're at in your business and whatever the problem you're facing, it can be resolved. Use this as a chance to plan out and refine your business and create a road map for the next 1-5 years.

This tailor-made consultation is valued at over $100 but is TRULY PRICELESS when put into action and could be the turning point in your success. How much is that REALLY worth to you?...

So act now and secure your spot and get tailor-made advice just for you...

Don’t Miss Out! Reserve Your Spot Now!
Book Your Call Now and Get Results

Click Here to Book Your FREE 10 Minute Strategy Call Now Save years of trial and error, $1000s in mistakes and build your business properly from the ground up.

Note: We will be closing the doors on this service soon and we expect slots to fill up fast. Book now to reserve your spot.


Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Why are you selling your time so cheap? What's the catch?

There is no catch. You're getting valuable and practical advice to help you succeed. Over the years we found that it's important to build good connections with our customers to stand out from other so-called marketers and 'guru's. Sending out an email is one thing... but giving you affordable one-to-one advice takes things to a whole other level. If you feel you got tons of value from the call and you want to submit a video or written testimonial afterwards that would be great, but again it's not necessary.

Q. I'm not sure how I got here. Can you show me what you teach?

If you subscribed to our email list, then you most likely joined from our main website at SuperSalesMachine.com and got the 100 free training videos. What we teach there is just scratching the surface, but gives you a good idea of what we teach and how we teach it.

Q. Are there any upsells?... Do I have to buy anything else?

There are no upsells and you do not need to buy anything else. Obviously we have a range of products and services that will help you speed up your success, which you may be aware of, but it's definitely NOT necessary to buy anything else.

Q. Will I be talking to Aaron or a member from the team?

Aaron will be taking care of most of the calls. However during busy periods a member from the team will be assisting you. Don't worry you will still receive great advice and Aaron trains his team members to handle all the most commonly asked questions. If you feel you still didn't get enough value from the call, you can re-schedule another call with Aaron himself.

Q. I do affiliate marketing / niche marketing can you still advise me?

Yes absolutely. Over the years we've experimented with many business models and various techniques to make money online which include affiliate marketing and niche marketing. We've had success in those areas however we've found the internet marketing niche to be more profitable long-term which is why it's our main focus. If you've got your mind set doing on something else we can still advise you.

Q. Do I have to have a website or sales funnel to qualify for a call?

No, not at all. But it will help greatly if you've had some experience building websites, blogging, selling affiliate products or similar, or have started a project and need help finishing it as it will help you relate to what we're saying. If you're a complete beginner and new to everything that's fine as well, it will just take more time to explain concepts and ideas.

Q. Will I get enough information from the call to take action?

Yes definitely. Unless you're doing 6-figures a year or more or some weird experiement online we can help you develop a solid 1, 2, even 5 year business plan that will guide you in the right direction. We recommend that you take notes during the call to help you focus so you can understand things more clearly.

Q. Do I need any software for the call?

All calls are done with Zoom. You can create a free account by signing up here.

Q. What device should I call from?

To get the best experience we recommend you call from a desktop PC or laptop and not from a smartphone or tablet. You may need to share your screen or vice-versa, and you will need the screen space to nagivate sites, menus, tools and other systems. You will also need a microphone and speakers, or headset and mic, or you can use your mobile device to talk whilst being at the PC.

It would also be greatly appreciated if there is no disturbance and background noise and you're not calling whilst on the road. You'll be surprised at how many people don't have a quiet environment to work in.

Q. What topics can you help me with?

We can advise you on almost any topic within the internet marketing sphere on a variety of business models. However we specialize in sales funnel creation, product creation, PLR/MRR, resell rights, affiliate marketing, traffic generating, list building, email marketing, membership sites, video creation, web design, graphic design, automation systems, optimization, outsourcing and so on.

If you'd like to discuss topics in detail like paid ads (like Google Ads, Facebook Ads, YouTube Ads etc.), conversion tracking, site flipping, domain flipping, or drop-shopping then we recommend you find a specialist on these topics.

Q. I've been online for a while now, I know some things but still not getting results, will your advice help me?

Yes of course. If you’ve spent more than 1 year online (as in 8-10 hours a day for 365 days) actively looking for ways to make money online and still trying to make your first sale then the first you have to do is admit you’re doing it wrong. Instead find someone who is already successful in an area you’d like to study, and get them to advise you. You will learn much faster, take action on the right things and get far better results. This will only motivate you and give you a push in the right redirection.

Q. Okay I'm ready to book my call... What now?

Great! Simply click the button below, use the calendar to book a time and date that suits you. Once done a confirmation email will be sent to you with your booking details and link to your Zoom meeting. That's it!



Aaron is Actually the REAL DEAL and Gives You Great Insight to Start a Profitable Online Biz. This is my FIRST TIME Buying from Him but his Intelligence in What he Teaches Makes me Feel like I Knew Him All of My Life.”

This is by far the best training that I have seen in my life. I have spent hundreds, if not, thousands, of dollars on gurus and empty promises of the so-called pros, through the years, just to be let down by their garbage courses and bogus trainings, that have not gotten me anywhere while I tried time and time again to start a successful online business. I was giving up and losing hope on starting a successful online biz and when I felt like throwing in the towel, in came Aaron, I was skeptical and treated him like I did every other so-called guru, that I bumped into, before. Aaron, I found out, is actually the real deal and gives you great insight to start a profitable online biz. I was getting lost in all of the different biz ideas, I saw online but Aaron gives you hope and helps you to be comfortable in the biz ideas that he offers you and actually takes you by the hand and teaches you step by step how to start a great biz that you can be comfortable doing for the rest of your life. Anything that he puts out in the future I will truly buy because I trust him and he is not selfish in all of his secrets and strategies that he knows, he gives you great advice and is there for you if you get stuck in your biz venture. This is my first time buying from him but his intelligence in what he teaches makes me feel like I knew him all of my life. I'm a fan forever, Aaron, and will follow you where ever you go ;) You're the best!

I Am EXTREMELY Pleased & Truly Blown Away by Your Products & Services... I Would Suggest this to ANYONE Looking to Run, Start, Build or Grow an Online Business”

I just have to say that I am extremely pleased and truly blown away by your products and servers and just how much actual value you get out of them. I have seen many, many different online companies charging buko-bucks for systems and services as these, with not even a quarter of the value or worth that you get with the Super Sales Machine! As the name states, it truly says it all! I am so glad that I was blessed enough to come across such a wonderful service as this and I am able to do so... As it has given me the ability to better learn how to run, manage, and maintain both of my businesses, as it contains a whole wealth of knowledge on how to both build, grow, and scale many different online business models. I would suggest this to anyone looking to run, start, build or grow a online business, or just anyone looking for a new, simple, and highly effective & rewarding way to earn an extra online income, from the comfort of their home. Thank You Super Sales Machine for providing such a valuable service to any business owner or online income seeker!... I am proud to be a member & supporter - Sincerely, Chrystle Ann Couthren.

“This is the HIGHEST Quality Content that I have Come Across. Anytime You See Aaron's Name Attached to Anything, You Can TRUST It and You Should Grab it as Quickly as Possible.”

Wonderful site. Beginners need good information. But with this, even an experienced and creative individual can learn a lot. I'm so glad I found you and your work. Now, you went even higher by providing rarely seen value and choice for the price. I have been struggling with all the information out there, the crooks, the info products that claim results and deliver nothing, this is a refreshing change. I am confident that this will bode well for me. Cannot say enough good words about it! This is the highest quality content that I have come across. If you haven't seen this before, you are in for a real treat. Anytime you see Aaron's name attached to anything, you can trust it and you should grab it as quickly as possible. You will never regret it. He keeps outdoing himself. So look forward to more good stuff. Make him your regular go-to person for your online business. - Arthur David Beaman

Aaron Brings ONLY Value Added Lessons... A Truly Superb and Great Guru... Practical, Easy to Understand and Applied Intelligently. I Am His Customer for Life!”

The huge value Aaron brings with his professional products is amazing. A truly superb and great guru... practical, easy to understand and applied intelligently. Very rare indeed. I'm at ease all the time following them. I do not hesitate to recommend anyone to learn from them on how to make money online. I very rarely write testimonials, mainly because it is hard to find real quality products to endorse. I'm seriously blown away with this and I think anyone who decides to invest in this will be too. You get an "A++" with this one. Your material is easy to follow, easy to read, professional. Where do you get the creative juices to do all this stuff? I come back to your sites often and check out all the others as well. I don’t want to miss any new product that you put out there. Keep up the excellent work, keep on providing exceptional value for your customers’ buck, and may fortune smile upon you as you go about your life. I continuously recommend and share his products and training with my crew and other serious Business owners. It has helped my business and affiliates take it to the next level. Definitely Your Customer for Life! - Luis Arroyo

Super Sales Machine is FANTASTIC!... Very Well Thought Out and Flows in a Natural Progression. It's Very Apparent that Aaron Knows What He's Talking About!

Super Sales Machine is fantastic! The training is very thorough and relatable. It's easy to follow, because they're full of really good, really relevant information. I have learned quite a lot from them so far, and have more to complete. I love how they are self paced, and delivered in easy to take in segments. It makes it really easy to move through them when you only have a few minutes here and there to get it done. One of the first things that you'll notice is that the content was very well thought out, and flows in a natural progression through the material. It's very apparent that Aaron knows what he's talking about and has already seen success from implementing the same strategies they are passing on to you. Knowing that I will be a better email marketer because of the training I have gotten here is reassuring. Aaron tells you who each path is best suited for, how it works, why it works, and you aren't left with a bunch of unknowns. It is very insightful. Personally, I am super ecstatic that I somehow stumbled onto this. - Crystal Burton

I Spent 10 Years Trying Different Ways to Make Money Online... No Wonder I Didn't Make a Sale... I Wish I Have Found this Earlier!”

I wish I have found this earlier. I could've save years trying to make money online. I almost spent 10 years trying different ways to make money online, no wonder why I didn't make a sale? I lacked the knowledge in doing so, but when I found this, it all makes sense. I just found the " JEWEL" that teach me step by step. All the missing pieces of the puzzle, the core foundation is here at my finger tip. What I learned here, are the secret ingredients that no guru will tell you. All the instructions laid in here are so easy to understand and follow even a commoner like me can easily grasp. I took it seriously, because I want to change my life and help my family as well. with this this new found ideas, I can make that happen. This is a life changing strategy that I want to perfect to change my future and and live the life of freedom without ever thinking of how to make ends meet ends. All I got to do is apply what I have learned here and watch how will it grow. Thanks to Aaron for providing this knowledge and making it accessible. Kudos! - Daisy C.

Aaron is an EXCELLENT Teacher, without a Shadow of a Doubt, he is LIGHT YEARS Ahead of Anyone Else... There is a Huge Difference Between Learning through Some Course and Actually Working One to One with Someone with His Expertise. ”

I have been online now for just under 8 years. I developed a keen interest for Internet Marketing early on in 2006 and had been trying to make money through numerous online training programmes ever since. I have been on Aaron's list for maybe 3 years or so as I was really impressed with the quality and the quantity of all the products within this membership site and all the valuable training inside. The way Aaron had things set up, specifically tailored to help people like myself who were new to internet marketing and get them started with products that you just purchase and you had the option of setting these products up yourself or Aaron had a setup service where for a small fee, he would set these up for you.

We had an excellent chat and Aaron explained to me where I was going wrong and how he could get me on the right track and we discussed some of the training programmes he had and how he would work with me and guide me through any technical issues that I had. There was no pressure on myself, he totally told me some home truths and how he could improve on that and guide me down the road to success. I signed up and it proved to be the best decision, I have ever made, thankfully now after so many long years, I can see some light at the end of the tunnel.

Aaron is an excellent teacher and in my opinion, without a shadow of a doubt, he is light years ahead of anyone else and is truly the REAL DEAL. No matter what your struggles are, Aaron's ability to guide you through it in a nice calm relaxing manner is just one of his many strong points as he makes you feel like you can actually do this. No matter what your difficulties are, Aaron will take the time to guide you through any difficulties you may have and have you feeling more confident about yourself and your abilities.

He is definitely the one and true person that I can really rely on to get me on the right path to success and I would like to emulate him and his skills in every way, because Aaron actually does this stuff on an everyday basis and you only have to take a good hard look at what he does online to know that his skill level is such, that you instantly want to learn from him. I have never seen anyone present these products in the way Aaron does, his graphic skills are amazing and the way he presents his products online is a testimony within itself.

I would definitely recommend Aarons training because, to be honest, I've tried so many different types of training over the years, mostly all of them failed and what I have personally learned is that, I could never have achieved any of this without Aarons help. There is a huge difference between learning through some video course and actually working one to one with someone with his expertise.

I would just like to say a big thanks to Aaron for accepting me as his student and I look forward to working with him and finally putting all these Internet Marketing challenges to rest. Rest assured, I will be learning as much as I possibly can from Aaron so I can finally achieve my goals and have a life style that I really can be happy with and my ultimate goal to be able to give up my day job and do this full time. Thanks Aaron for all your help! - Mark Toughill

Aaron is a Generous and Very Patient Teacher that WILL NOT Stop Until You Get it.... and Above All, he Knows his Stuff! I Could Not Have Asked for a Better Teacher! ”

I was thinking of throwing the towel in and giving up on my online ventures. I was feeling frustrated with spending so much time and money online and only making a little money here and there. I had just ended a coaching program that was not getting me anywhere. It was kind of coaching you know very well that the coach knows their stuff but was holding back with that critical information that I need to breakthrough.

When I saw Aaron’s advert about his coaching program, all frustration just went out of the window. My first reason was that having been on his list for a while, I knew how generous the man is; with all the good quality freebies he gives out every now and then. My second reason was the flexibility, the fact that the coaching would be designed around me - what I’m good at and what I want and not some kind of program that fits or suits everyone. Thirdly, I sensed that he truly wanted to help people make it online.

I have learnt so much more than I expected to learn. Although I’ve been online for a while, but there are some things in online marketing that unless you are actually shown by an expert, you will always find yourself going round in circle without tangible results. There are some information not readily available online and so you need someone to actually show you. For example, I’ve heard time and time again about building a funnel, but when Aaron drew and showed me what my funnel will look like….it blew my mind! Everything just started making sense. There are tools I’ve heard of but never used and also those that I’ve never heard of and within weeks I found myself confidently using them.

Aaron is a generous and very patient teacher that will not stop until you get it and above all, he knows his stuff! I could not have asked for a better teacher! To be honest, I was quite sceptical about which level my coaching will take off from as the last thing I wanted was to have to waste time starting from a newbie stage but Aaron was able to deduce what my skills were, what I could do with them and where to spend my time.

My confidence about my online business has surely grown. I now think like an internet marketer because I know what I do to achieve results. I have a better picture of where I am going and how to get there.

I would recommend Aaron’s coaching program to anyone that wants to make it online. You would be learning from an expert who knows what is working now and how to get ahead. He is a very patient and flexible teacher that will not stop until you get it. Above all, he is very generous and doesn’t hold back! - Remi Badozi www.LifePurposeMatters.com


To Your Success! Aaron Danker

Aaron Danker is an established internet marketer with over 18 years of online experience. He provides innovative high level turn-key solutions and website installation services for marketers. The Super Sales Machine is the result of years of knowledge and experience all condensed into one powerful marketing system that any beginner and expert can learn and profit from.

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