Sales Video Lesson #6 - 9 Ways to Outperform Your Competitors

Okay so you've done your research, you know what niche to be in,
what keywords to pick, what topics to talk about. You've seen
what your competitors are doing to attract attention to their
videos but the question remains how do you do one better?

Method #1 - Come up with something better

Your job: Come up with something better! Now, here comes the
hard part. I’ve stepped you through the easy part. I’ve stepped
you through figuring out what your competitors are doing and
basically copying and pasting their topics and themes so you get
a clearer idea of the standards that you’re going to shoot for.

So far so good right? Well, you cannot stop there. Why? If you
did and you produced videos that are essentially just like
theirs, I’ve got some bad news for you. Your target audience
really has no business watching your videos. Absolutely none.
Why? You are giving the same exact stuff that everybody else is
giving out. Why should they go to you?

This is why you need to come up with something better. This is
crucial. This is what will make your video marketing campaigns
succeed or fail. Don’t drop the ball with the following tips.

Method #2 - Make it longer

One obvious way to deliver better value is to make your video
longer. Now, there’s a warning that comes with this. If you drag
it out, you probably will run the risk of boring your viewer.

A bored viewer is not a useful viewer. So, if you’re going to
extend the length of your video, it better be packed with real
content. The length must be due to the fact that you’re adding
more value.

Method #3 - Load it with information

Why are people watching your video in the first place? They want
to learn something. Maybe they have a problem and they’re trying
to solve it.

Maybe they’re trying to wrap their mind around a concept and
they want to learn more. Pack your video with more information
than your competitors.

Method #4 - Make it easier to understand

The problem with packing a video with a lot of information is
that eventually, people would get information overload. Bad
idea. When you’re packing

information into a video, you can do it in a non-intimidating
way. You can do it in a way that doesn’t turn off people. How?
Present it in an easy-to-understand format.

Maybe you can create diagrams. Maybe there’s a nice little
outline that flashes from time to time. Whatever the case maybe,
just because you put a lot of information in a video doesn’t
necessarily mean that it has to be boring or feel heavy.

Instead, by pacing the video properly and including a lot of
graphic tools or even sound cues, you can make the video light
and easy as well as a joy to view. It is possible.

Method #5 - Make sure the information is up to date

One of the easiest ways you can blow your competitors away is to
just offer updated information.

A good example of this is SEO. People go to YouTube for SEO and
they usually type in the year because the last time I checked,
the SEO tips of past decade are not going to help you that much
today given the fact that Google’s search engine ranking
software evolves faster than the common virus.

Make it clear to the potential viewer that you are offering the
latest and greatest information regarding your niche. Make this
apparent in the title of your video itself.

Method #6 - Use better graphics

YouTube enables you to choose a graphic thumbnail for your
video. Pick a graphic that will get clicks, but don’t take this
too far. Don’t put scantily clad woman when your video is
actually about dog training.

People are going to give you a lot of thumbs down and your video
might sink like a rock in the rankings because you tricked
people. Still, find the most attention-grabbing graphic or
screenshot from the video itself as your thumbnail.

Method #7 - Offer better sound

I can’t even begin to tell you how many otherwise high value
videos on YouTube completely drop the ball because their sound
quality sucks. This happens a lot with marketing videos.

I love watching these videos because I learn something new, but
sometimes the sound is so horrible that I just have to close the

They’ve lost a potential sale. They’ve lost a potential convert
and it’s because they neglected something as basic as sound

Method #8 - Offer a better call to action

I can’t even begin to tell you how many awesome videos there are
on YouTube that really pack a lot of attention, connect with me
emotionally, and really get me all excited about a solution to a
problem I have. However, the video ends without them telling me
what to do.

So here I am excited about possibly solving my problems using a
certain technique or using a solution, but I’m not told of the
product. I’m not told where to get it. I’m not told to click a
link to buy it right here, right now.

What do you think happens then? That’s right. The person who
made the video doesn’t make a sale even though I’m excited to
buy whatever and put dollars in his/her hand. Ridiculous right?
Well, this is exactly the position you put yourself in if you
don’t use a great call to action.

Similarly, there are lots of great videos out there that do a
really good job sharing information, opening people’s minds, and
shaping their opinion, but the call to action is so boring, so
basic, and really so generic that you feel that it’s just
another sales pitch. You’re all excited and then your sense of
urgency drops like a rock when you see, “Click the link at the
description.” or “Google this website.” Weak.

You have to use a better call to action. You should speak in
terms of benefits and you should imply some sort of emotional
payoff. Which would you rather click, “Click this button”,
“Click here”, “Order now”, or “Start living the life you’ve
always dreamt of living by firing your boss today after signing
up for this video marketing course”? Which would you rather
click? It should be obvious.

There has to be some sort of direct tie with the benefit or
ultimate outcome you’re looking for. You’re not just looking for
your skin to clear up if you’re considering on buying an acne
product. There’s more to it than that. You want to feel more
confident. You want to feel more beautiful or handsome.

You want to be appreciated and acknowledged. Right now, you feel
like you’re just another face in the crowd. In fact, you may be
such a pizza face that you’re trying to hide yourself from the
crowd. Your call to action must speak to that reality.

Method #9 - Make your video look more professional or amateurish

Now you’re probably scratching your head with this tip. You can
easily get why videos should look professional, but why
amateurish? Well, it all depends on your niche.

If your niche is all about patched together or impromptu “grass
roots” solutions then you need to steer clear of the slick,
smooth, corporate packaging.

This is supposed to be hand-made. This is supposed to be purely
personal. So sometimes, an amateurish video converts better
because that’s what your target audience members are looking


To Your Success,