Resell Rights Lesson #7 - A Quick Recap of Everything You Need To Know...
After reading my previous emails you should start to see the
real potential behind what’s possible online with resell rights
products. I will do my best to open up the gates for you and
show you what has already been achieved but IT'S STILL DOWN TO
YOU whether or not you take this route and follow through with
Here's a quick re-cap of everything you should know...
1. Resell rights products simplify the process by allowing us
to sell products as our own without having to create them from
scratch or share profits by promoting them as an affiliate! It's
a massive time saver and will get the ball rolling early on in
the stage. You can create your own products at a later date.
2. Review the product first before buying a license to re-sell
it - If you’re not convinced by the product, it’s unlikely that
your visitors will be either. It’s worth coughing up extra for a
quality resell rights product because the time spent ‘fixing’ a
poorly put together product is time you could be promoting and
collecting sales!
3. Stick with the license – don’t ruin your reputation early on
by selling Master Resell Rights to a product when you can only
sell end user rights! Don’t under-value your product by reducing
the price in the hope of getting more sales. These are all short
term gains which will make it harder for you to make money in
the future.
4. Remember the 4 ingredients for a successful reseller campaign
– traffic > squeeze page > quality mailing list > resell rights
5. Send traffic to our squeeze page first – it is easier and
smarter to ‘store’ traffic and promote multiple products to them
over a span of time than it is to try and force a sale on first
contact! (Refer back to the traffic methods for techniques!)
6. Let your auto-responder do the relationship building and
promoting! Focus on delivering real value to your subscriber
first. Help them achieve a result and prove to them that you can
help! You can also schedule free content to be delivered on a
weekly basis, and promotional emails offered on a bi-weekly
basis. Keep your subscribers happy and they'll look after you in
the long run.
7. Continuously feed traffic to your squeeze page - The more
sign-ups you receive, and the more people that are on your list,
the more emails that get sent to your subscribers, the more
people will get to know you and the more exposure you bring to
your products which effectively determines the number of sales
you’ll make.
My Final Words Of Wisdom...
LEARN all the basic skills that you need to know in order to get
yourself set up online! Do you need to learn to upload?... then
learn it! Do you need to learn to edit a HTML sales page?...
then learn it!... Do you need to learn how to create a PayPal
button?... then learn it! There’s no excuse for NOT knowing how
to do something especially when a simply Google search will
provide you with all the answers.
Get REAL! Get it out of your head that just because it’s
‘online’ that it’s suppose to be easier to make money. This is
utter non-sense. In fact, when I tell others that I make money
online they immediate think ‘scam’ or that I don’t do any real
work. This is the mentally of poor minded people - I’ve even had
to re-phrase my title to ‘website designer’. Not everyone can
dedicate themselves or have the discipline to make a living
online – they are better off working a normal job.
STOP messing around! If you really want to make this work for
you – get rid of that TV, unplug that phone, turn off your
mobile, and dedicate a room just for yourself where you can shut
the door and concentrate. Distractions (including people) will
stop you from progressing and it’ll just take you longer before
you get anything real achieved.
Take ACTION every day! and have a plan on what you need to do.
Use Google calendar to start planning what you should be doing
every day. Do you need to put up your first squeeze page? Do you
need to watch training videos? Do you need to buy hosting or a
domain or server scripts? Do you need to promote your site? Do
you need to write an auto-responder series? Do you need to
create a free report? Do you need to create an offer? Do you
need to create graphics for your site? There’s never a day that
goes by where I don’t have anything to do. Even if you take baby
steps you’re eventually going to accomplish something much
Become emotionally detached! That’s right - if something didn’t
go to plan don’t quit. If you didn’t earn as much as you wanted
to with a promotion, don’t get emotionally involved. If you get
a refund on something you worked hard on, don’t take it
personally. If other’s tell you that you’re wasting your time
online, smile and continue with your business. There’s only one
person to rely on in this world and that’s YOU! So get to work
and start making money!
To Your Success,