The beauty of membership products is that you can sell once to your customer and have the peace of mind that they’ll continue to pay for access for that membership for as long as the membership lasts.
It could be a 3 month membership, a 6 month membership, a year long membership or a lifetime membership. Either way, once you’ve got a new member in your membership, you know you’ve added more to your net profit – way more than what a linear one-time sale could ever do for you.
Jane sells an eBook for $27. It’s got 100 pages of pure content, she’s got a lovely sales page and new people are buying her product every day. She makes 1 sale a day, bringing her $810 per month. Not bad.
John sells that same eBook, but he decides that there’s so much information in there that some people are going to suffer from information overload and not even apply the knowledge. They may even become so overwhelmed that they ask for refunds! So he dissects the original eBook into their chapters. Let’s say there are 20 chapters in the eBook so each segment will have 5 pages.
Now obviously, he can’t sell each chapter for the same price as Jane because people will not buy from him, however he can charge say $10 to deliver 4 chapters every month so that all 20 chapters are delivered to the customer over the span of 5 months.
Jane’s profit is $27. John’s profit is $50. John has nearly doubled his profit by simply breaking down the content and delivering it over the span of 20 weeks!
Now before you go off thinking, ‘is this true.. can you actually do that?’ let me tell you know that I’ve done it with a handful of eBooks and video packages and it has been the most profitable and worthwhile moves I could ever do for my business. Let me explain a few things that may be going through your head right now...
Is John ripping off the customer?... Hardly – in fact he’s doing them a favour. Knowledge is a funny thing. Learning new things and soaking it up takes time! By providing small chucks of quality information the customer can now take the time to read, digest and apply what’s been read which is much easier to handle than giving them everything at once.
And as for the price, $20 is hardly going to break the bank. That $20 is more a symbol of commitment from the customer – commitment to learn and to take action. They know that if they do not commit themselves to learning, reading and downloading a new chapter every week, they’ll only be letting themselves down.
Everything you do in your online (and offline) marketing should be geared towards residual and recurring income. You should not have to work your rear end off just to generate that one sale – especially if it doesn’t convert well! You need to be generating a stable cash flow! Period.
So now that you know membership sites are the way forward, let me ask you...
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“Membership sites are too difficult to create – they require a lot of attention to detail, and I don’t think I’ve got the skills to even install a membership script.” |
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“I wouldn’t know where to begin – how would I set up a subscription payment button? How would I let my members know when to log into their membership and download the fresh content?” |
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“It’s more hassle than it’s worth – I have to keep adding new content consistently to the membership to keep everyone happy.” |
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“A membership is nothing more than a thinly disguised job! – If I’m adding new content to it every week, or month I’m practically having to work like I would in the real world to make a living!” |
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“Who would want to join my membership anyway? – There are so many other memberships out there, what makes mine any different?” |
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“What could I possibly offer to put value into my own membership? – I don’t class myself as an expert in any particular field, at least not an expert enough to provide fresh content for my members week after week!” |
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“I don’t really believe in memberships! – They wouldn’t make much difference to my income anyway!” |
We all face this problem at some point. So I don't blame you.
I completely understand why you would think any one of these thoughts or even all of them! But I’m here to show you today how this is ALL POSSIBLE! – No matter what your skill level!
If you can download a zip file from my server, download it directly to your desktop, extract the contents of that desktop, make a few quick changes such as adding your name and email and upload everything exactly as they are, then my friend you’re 90% there!
Not only am I going to provide you with an all-in-one fixed term membership business-in-a-box, but I’ll going to make it an absolute piece of cake to get it up and running. In fact you WILL NOT even need a membership script! – YES it’s that easy!
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“Membership sites are too difficult to create” – Membership sites are only difficult if you don’t know what you’re doing and never done it before. Like anything, once you’ve got someone to show you how, you’ll want to do it again and again! I’ve made the system so newbie proof that you won’t even need a membership script! The setup work will only take less than 5 minutes! – I timed myself! |
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“It’s more hassle than it’s worth, it’s a job in disguise” – It’s no hassle at all, and it’s definitely not a job in disguise especially when you have the content prepared in advance! Setting up a fixed term membership will be one of the smartest moves you can make for yourself and because this will be a fixed term membership, you will not have create new content for your members, nor will you have to keep updating them every week! I’ll show you how this is done in a bit! |
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“Who would want to join my membership anyway?” – Before you can launch your own membership, you have to understand the market. You have to understand what people are looking for, where they’re looking for it, and if they’re willing to pay for it. The market is definitely there and the same principles apply as though you were selling a ‘linear’ product! Your job is simply to get traffic to it which we’ll cover in a bit! |
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“I don’t class myself as an expert” – It doesn’t matter! That’s the beauty of what we’re about to offer you. A complete solution that gives you the earning power of recurring membership, but without all the hassles! |
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“Having my own membership wouldn’t make much difference to my income anyway!” – Wrong again! Owning your ownmembership allows you to multiple your income every month! With each new member you receive on-going payments that build up and overlap over time. Owning a membership site will take your earnings to a new level! – Guaranteed! |
So, now that all those negative thoughts are shredded, binned and burned, let me introduce to you...
Complete Newbie Training is a multi-media training program aimed at the complete internet newbie who wants to get to grips with making money online by understand certain aspects of marketing such as ‘niche marketing’, ‘affiliate marketing’, ‘product creation’, ‘pay-per-click’, ‘search engine optimization’, ‘traffic generation’, ‘link-building’ and so on.
These topics are hot and are always in constant demand which is why this people are selling this sort of information everywhere!
But the difference between you and other marketers is that you’ll have ALL the information organized and well presented into a 20 week course which will make you look ten times better!
Each week, you’ll be providing your customers with a 4 files - a 20-30 minute video, an mp3 recording of the video, a complete transcript of the video and the power-point presentation for the member to refer back to. All of this is presented as a download page for that week and made to look seamless by keeping to the design of the mini-site template.
So each week’s set of content has its own download page which means there are 20 separate download pages that will be already uploaded on your website. And with each passing week, your subscriber receives a new download link. Simple right?
Now the best part is the way we drip feed the content over to our members. You already know that this is a fixed term membership, and that all the content and files are pre-uploaded beforehand so the only thing left is to notify them that the new downloads are ready and to provide the download link for that week. So what do we use?... Your auto-responder!
More than likely, you’ll already have an auto-responder system such as Aweber or similar. Now instead of using it to broadcast emails to them or to drip-feed promotional emails to your subscribers like you normally do, you’re going to use it to deliver the download link for that week.
You WILL NOT have to organize the contents of the membership or sort out the files or directory structure because I’ve done that all for you. The way you download and extract the membership site, is exactly the same way you’ll be uploading it!
Instead of using complicated membership scripts, you can simply have all the content uploaded to your server in advance and use your auto-responder to send your customers to each download page every 7 days! This will drip-feed the content and save you the hassle of setting up a membership site. Of course, if you already have your own in-house membership script, feel free to use it with this!
The emails will remind the customer about their subscription, tell them about what's in store for that month's lesson, and send them to the download page.
Each and every month for the next 20 weeks, you'll be able to provide your members not only with video training, but with a PDF transcript, a PowerPoint presentation, and MP3 recording of the lesson. No matter what their learning style, you're catering to the largest variety of your audience!
Wide range of learning formats available for your members!
Your visitors will have the change to sign-up for a free eCourse that will teach them the basics of internet marketing - from getting the right mindset, to relationship building, to understanding money. Each text email will link to the HTML page that will expand on the lesson in further detail. And at the end of the HTML page is your ad, reminding them to joing your membership!
You'll be armed with a 55-part quality eCourse that will build rapport, trust, cultivate and even educate your free subscribers and eventually turn them into happy buyers!
We’ve already put a lot of work into the membership, but setting up the membership, and setting up the mini-site and providing a quality set of graphics just isn’t enough these days! Sure you can wow your visitors, but the important factor between sale and no sale is TRUST. People buy people, people don’t buy products.
If you can show your visitor that you put their needs first and really want to help them, they will be far more inclined to check out your membership before even thinking about buying someone else’s product! And what better way to do this than by supplying them with QUALITY content every 3 days that they’ll appreciate!
We’ve set up the system so that when a visitor scrolls down to the bottom of your page and sees the buy now button but don’t feel ready to join, they can still opt-in for free information. Once confirmed, an email is sent to them every 3 days with a basic lesson on making money online and setting up their mind for business. And because each lesson contains real value, we had to create a separate website page for each one. So your email will actually be sending them to a page within your mini-site where the free lessons are stored. And each page will contain an ad that gets them to click and return to the main site to check out the membership offer again.
There’s 55 of these powerful lessons in place which makes 55 impressions on your free subscriber – more than enough to have them visit the main site and really consider your offer!
A Professional Sales Page! - complete with mini-site graphics, professionally written sales copy, real testimonials and a well presented product package. Simply replace with your name, your own price and your own subscription payment button and you're good to go!
6 Solo Email Ads! - complete with persuasive, pre-selling, pre-formatted plain text for a copy and paste solution. Just replace with your name and link to your website and let your existing subscribers know about it for new members today!
55-Part eCourse Auto-Responder! - squeeze every last bit of profit from your visitors as possible and turn tyre-kickers into red hot hyper-active buyers! Simply replace your auto-responder with your name and website link and plug into your auto-responder series for an instant eCourse!
2 Confirmation Pages! – Make sure your visitors and members double opt-in and stay secured on your newsletters!
20 Professional Download Pages! - complete with download links for the video, MP3 audio recording, PDF transcript and power-point presentation to cater for your customers!
20-Part Members Auto-Responder! - squeeze every last bit of profit from your visitors as possible and turn tyre-kickers into red hot hyper-active buyers! Simply replace your auto-responder with your name and website link and plug into your auto-responder series for an instant eCourse!
20 Video Tutorials 10-30 minutes each - deliver what you promise and teach your customers tips, tricks and tactics that they never knew! Become an instant expert in whatever you sell to build your online status, presence and income!
20 MP3 Audio Recordings – of the video presentation so your customers can listen to the information on their MP3 player, in the car or at the gym.
20 PDF Transcripts – of the video presentation so your members can download, print and read in their own time.
20 Power-Point Presentations – so your members can download, and follow along with the video!
A Professional Affiliate Page! - make more sales than the initial customer sale! Use the affiliate page as a foundation for creating your own affiliate program. Allow your affiliates and customers to promote your product and personalize all their resources within seconds! Fully compatible with all 3rd party affiliate programs!
To outsource a 20 week fixed term membership like this, you’re got to consider all the aspects gone into making it. Just planning it out and preparing the lessons so that your video creator knows EXACTLY what to create for you in Power-Point presentations will take upwards of 3-4 days. On top of that you’ve got to include their standard rate of $97 per video and MP3 rendering. That’s $1940 for the set of 20 videos and MP3s.
Then you’ve got to factor in the copywriters who have to watch the video and transcribe everything word-for-word. At $100 per video transcription, you’re looking at another $2000 in expenses.
Then you’ve got to consider the graphic designer to create a unique yet friendly looking website including box, hard back and CD covers and banners at another $497.
Then you have to consider the copywriters for creating 55 educational ‘non spammy’ eCourse lessons. At 250-500 words each, you’re looking at a bare minimum of $10 a piece which totals up to $550. This does not even include the time needed to conjure up those 55 self-improvement and internet marketing business lessons!
Then you have to consider the sales page. A good copy-writer can charge $500 and upwards for a sales page of this length. We even got ours to go through the content so he could write smaller segments about each week’s lesson!
Let’s not forget, we’ve really gone out of our way to make sure that your membership will sell – which is why we paid 10 professional freelancers to review the entire program and to provide authentic feedback, with their picture and link! At $50 per testimonial, you would have already cashed out $500!
Now I could go on into further details about the affiliate page, the affiliate resources, the promo video, and so on... but we’ve already busted our wallets at $5987 so I think you can already see the REAL value of what you’re getting here.
But we’re not going to place such a heavy price tag on our membership business-in-a-box. Not today.
We could have quite happily kept quiet about this site, and just continue to make money with the membership site as it is but we did this to provide a ‘higher class’ of service for those who have been with us for a while and want to step things up a notch.
You will not have to invest anywhere near $997 with us today. In fact, you will not even have to invest half that amount at $497!
If you want to see your income soar within the next few months, and continue to soar for the years ahead, NOW is the time to jump in on this! You can grab everything now for a one-time single investment of only $197! $97!
That’s it! No recurring payments needed!
There is nothing else that comes even close to this on the market! No one else would have bothered to go into such immaculate detail like we have! No one else would have gone through the fuss of setting up an email campaign for both free and paid members, and no one else would go through the time to set up the folder structure so you can download, extract and upload exactly the way you see it on your computer!
I know you don’t like to waste time tinkering with files and folders and editing pages and linking up download links. I know this because I HATE doing it myself! So the better I set it up, the better it is for you and the quicker you can be up and running without letting any obstacle stand between you and your first recurring payment membership site!
The work that’s already been laid out for you is worth well over $5987 and we’re only charging a small fraction of that price so we can cover our costs whilst still providing a ‘high end’ product for marketers like you who need such an opportunity to work their way up!
Think about this for a second.
If you sold access to your membership for only $20 per month for 5 months each paying member would be worth $100 to you! You'd only need 1, yes ONE member and you will have already made your money back!
If you’ve already got a subscriber list, all you have to do is send out a promo email and you’re there! – You know the drill.
Even if you’ve got NO list, you just have to send a trickle of traffic to your site before you start seeing new prospects and members signing up! This is a perfect way to build your list AND make a recurring income at the same time!
This is your squeeze page AND recurring membership business in a box! It does not get any better!...
The Super Sales Machine is designed to take you as a green newbie or experienced marketer and add a new stream of income to your business instantly. We put countless hours into creating a robust sales system that you can not only profit from, but build a real business upon.
As a licensed owner of the Super Sales Machine Empire we're backing your investment today with a very bold guarantee. If you don't make 1 sale of any product within the Super Sales Machine Empire within the next 30 days after sending 50 real subscribers through any one of your products then we'll refund you in full, and we'll even allow you to keep the entire system!
We're willing to invest up to 7 days setting up this genius system on your server and STILL give you the opportunity to 'test drive' it just to prove to yourself that you can indeed profit from our products. This way all the risk is placed on us and lose nothing. In fact you're more likely to gain sales as a result!
So the real question is are you ready to build your list and start making sales? Can you build a list of just 50 subscribers and make 1 sale within the next 30 days?... We think so! You have absolutely nothing to lose and so much more to gain and honestly if you're committed to this program you'll be too busy making sales and checking your commissions and will be wondering where this has been all your life!
Secure your system now in complete confidence and we'll get to work on your Super Sales Machine Empire project right away!
YES! Give me my complete turn-key 5-month membership business-in-a-box which includes sales letter and sales video
YES! I want the extensive 55-part email ecourse including all 55 HTML landing pages to cultivate my subscribers.
YES! I want all 20 member emails including the HTML landing pages with member material all prepared.
YES! I want text-editable PSDs to the project so I can rebrand the mini-site to match my domain.
YES! I want my own affiliate resources so that other people can promote my product for me whilst I build my recurring income!
YES! I understand that the limited reseller's license will ensure that I am one of the very few people providing high-quality training for others and that I will continue to make money with this product for many years!
YES! Please install this entire membership business for me!
YES! I want all my files edited, my subscription button created, paste in 70+ emails into my Aweber account, link up my access pages, and edit my sales letter to match my domain and name.
YES! I only want to spend time promoting it and less time messing about with HTML files and FTP! I have all the necessary components such as a domain name, web hosting, and an Aweber account.
YES! I want you to host the 700MB+ of membership content on your lightning fast Amazon S3 server to save me bandwidth and hosting costs!
YES! I want to ensure that my members receive the content at fastest download speeds without any file corruption usually asociated with large files. I want to look like a pro marketer!
Internet Security Notice: After clicking the payment button you will be asked to log into your Super Sales Machine member account. Once logged in you will then be redirected to the Zaxaa order form which uses the latest industry-Leading Encryption Technology (SSL). After payment you will have the option to customize your order. We advise you to NOT close close this window during checkout. You will be redirected immediately to the access page after purchase. Your products are added to your member account immediately and can be accessed at any time, any where. All purchases are fully backed by a 100% satisfaction guarantee and you may contact our friendly support staff at any time for support and assistance.
The license agreement is here to protect you as a member, reseller and customer to ensure that all products retain their true value. Please read and understand before selling. Thank you in advance for respecting these terms. Terms are as follows;
[YES] Can sell Personal Rights Only
[NO] Can sell or give away Resell Rights
[NO] Can sell or give away Master Resell Rights
[NO] Can sell or give away Private Label Rights
[NO] Can be given away for free in any format
[NO] Can be sold in auction sites
[NO] Can be flipped as a site
[YES] Can sell membership access for minimum of $20/month with $1 7-day trial (total $100 for 5 months)
[YES] Can sell membership access for a one-time payment for a minimum of $67
[YES] Can add unlimited monthly bonuses to the product to (recommended)
[NO] Can be added to existing membership sites
[NO] Can be sold in fire-sales or mass-bundle deals
[YES] Can rebrand the mini-site and graphics (text-layered PSDs included)
Aaron Danker is an established internet marketer with over 18 years of online experience. He provides innovative high level turn-key solutions and website installation services for marketers. The Super Sales Machine is the result of years of knowledge and experience all condensed into one powerful marketing system that any beginner and expert can profit from. Aaron will be handling all the backend sales and future product launches on your behalf to ensure you continue to profit!
Click Here to Get Your Membership Site Installed for You